The movie stepbrothers, post your favorite quotes

Is that considered a classic "quotable" movie?? I've never seen it.
You should make a "Monty Python" quote thread... or at least a "Talladega Nights."
IMO this is the funniest movie he has made. I could argue that at the very least it is the funniest movie of the 21st century. i reccomend all to watch
Call me me night hawk.
*whispers in bed* hey....I hate you

I know it might not be the exact quote,but those are a couple of the ones i like.
"What if she catches me getting out of the shower and says, ive already had the old mule, now i want the young buck, and I have one bead of water running down my chest hair, all the way to my ball fro, and she grabs me by the weiner"

Or something along those lines.
Is that considered a classic "quotable" movie?? I've never seen it.
You should make a "Monty Python" quote thread... or at least a "Talladega Nights."

Not really but the things they say are funny!

If you like Talladega Nights you should like this. I couldnt watch no more than the first five minutes of Talladega Nights before I had to shut it off cause I thought it sucked. This I can watch over and over again.

About halfway into the movie it does kind of lack in the humor it displays in the first half but still a funny ass movie!
"As soon as your eyes shut, I'm gonna punch you square in the face!"

"you touch my drum set?"
"Why you so sweaty?"
"I was watching cops"
boats and hoes

-just because I knew it before watching the movie :D
I DLd it once the Awards Screener hit torrents. I watched it about 50 times and deleted it. Now after a few months since this all came about I had to DL the DVD rip. I should be sleeping since I been working nights but I think I watched about 4 times since I got home from work. Took a nap wihen the kids did and watched it again.
"Robert better not get in my face... 'cause I'll drop that mother:q:q:q:qer!"
"What if she catches me getting out of the shower and says, ive already had the old mule, now i want the young buck, and I have one bead of water running down my chest hair, all the way to my ball fro, and she grabs me by the weiner"

Or something along those lines.

"i honestly thought i was going to get raped. at one point, he even said lets get it on"
"i was talking about the fight, i am so not a raper"
Male Therapist: Tell me a little about yourself.
Dale Doback: Well, I am a janitor at a college. Most people think I am dumb but I can look at a math equation and solve it immediately.
Male Therapist: Is this Good Will Hunting?
Dale Doback: No
Male Therapist: It sounds awfully familiar to Good Will Hunting.
Dale Doback: Yeah... well anyways, my best friend is Ben Affleck.

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