the NAACP strikes again

There were no "rules", simply good faith and civility. Does civility extend to the point of ignoring someone lying to you and the American people?

Personally, I would say that Obama already threw civility out the window when he started lying/deceiving the American people in that speech and smearing his opponents.

Remember, Nixon was all but impeached for deceiving the American people...

But does that mean disrespect him? I will never disrespect you because you are my elder, and the bible teaches respect. While Obama was lying on stage the proper thing to do was like one republican did, and hold up a sign, he was passionate, he maintained his self-control.
As to respecting the rank, what do you do when the person in question "disrespects" the rank? Because, by actively deceiving the American people in that speech and engaging in petty and dishonest partisan propagandizing, that is what he was doing.

I felt Bush lied about invading Iraq, I never dissrespected him when he visited our FOB ro Area of operation. I showed him the respect that was due to his rank. I maintained self control, now if a 25 year old ssg can hold his composure, why cant a 50 y/o man?
How would you have handled the situation?
I felt Bush lied about invading Iraq, I never dissrespected him when he visited our FOB ro Area of operation. I showed him the respect that was due to his rank.

Ah, but did you show him respect because of his rank, or because there would have been dire consequences for you, if you hadn't shown appropriate respect, or showed blatant disrespect. ;)
Ah, but did you show him respect because of his rank, or because there would have been dire consequences for you, if you hadn't shown appropriate respect, or showed blatant disrespect. ;)

Both, I think the same rules should apply to civilians! If the U.S were run like the military, that would be a beautiful thing.
I then saw he was retired from the Army, that hurt me, but then I read he was a reservist (weekend warrior), it made me feel better.
I remember when i went over seas with an active unit that combined with my reserve unit and it got to the point that the platoon sgt had to put the reserve section in a competition of our mission jobs against the active section and the battalion commander came to watch poor active guys must have been so embarrassing to watch a bunch of weekend warriors from a small reserve unit wipe the floor with his 10th mnt guys :rolleyes:

Both, I think the same rules should apply to civilians! If the U.S were run like the military, that would be a beautiful thing.

in regards to respect and on some things yes but remember that we willing give up rights that people die for when we joined so you cant be totally militaristic (i think thats the right way to put it lol)
Both, I think the same rules should apply to civilians! If the U.S were run like the military, that would be a beautiful thing.
Are you serious?
That's usually the kind of nonsense civilians say.
Are you serious?
That's usually the kind of nonsense civilians say.

Think about it, if the US were run like the military, all this senseless, whining would end, law would be law, people would actually respect eachother, people would be much safer,there would be no welfare, and this health care crap would be over. While I know the U.S would never be converted to the military, it is one of my fantasies.
I remember when i went over seas with an active unit that combined with my reserve unit and it got to the point that the platoon sgt had to put the reserve section in a competition of our mission jobs against the active section and the battalion commander came to watch poor active guys must have been so embarrassing to watch a bunch of weekend warriors from a small reserve unit wipe the floor with his 10th mnt guys :rolleyes:

10th Mountain, thats all i have to say, ifs its aint' snowing, they aint' going.

in regards to respect and on some things yes but remember that we willing give up rights that people die for when we joined so you cant be totally militaristic (i think thats the right way to put it lol)

Its one of my fantasies
Think about it, if the US were run like the military, all this senseless, whining would end, law would be law, people would actually respect eachother, people would be much safer,there would be no welfare, and this health care crap would be over. While I know the U.S would never be converted to the military, it is one of my fantasies.

It's one of your fantasies to have everyone's life run for them by a faceless bureaucracy? Or maybe we should just get a really benevolent dictator?

And if the U.S. were run like the military, advancement would be tied to political maneuvering, ass kissing, and time/grade. I know bronze star winners who will never get about the rank of Maj do to politics and ass-kissers who will probably become peace-time generals.

No,the military is a model that should remain with the military.
And it could use some reform as well, shifting it's focus on achievement.
It's one of your fantasies to have everyone's life run for them by a faceless bureaucracy? Or maybe we should just get a really benevolent dictator?

And if the U.S. were run like the military, advancement would be tied to political maneuvering, ass kissing, and time/grade. I know bronze star winners who will never get about the rank of Maj do to politics and ass-kissers who will probably become peace-time generals.

No,the military is a model that should remain with the military.
And it could use some reform as well, shifting it's focus on achievement.

Awards means nothing these days, every tom dick and harry has a MSM or bronze star, Literally! If a person doesnt make LTC in todays army, its because they :q:q:q:qed up royally, promotion is garuanteed to LTC or O5. With enlisted its a little better, you have to prove yourself, the only bad thing about that is I will probably make E-9 because I am in a combat medic, if i were combat arms, that would be a different story, they have E-9 slots for days, medical only has like 20 E-9 slots for over 20,000 people.

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