THE Obama lawsuit to follow

Well it's over.
Without comment SCOTUS has just rejected this case this monday morning.

Court won't review Obama's eligibility to serve
Suit claimed Obama was British-born and not a 'natural born' U.S. citizen
Now Chairman Messiah Obama can set up his SECRET POLICE to quiet and persecute the heretics and non believers.:Bang :rolleyes:

Just Kidding
At least the country won't be thrown into a crisis over this.
I heard Rush say, quite bluntly, that we will not be able to stop the Obama gristmill for quite a while.

I disagree with him.

We will never be able to stop it.

Bryan, I'm purchasing some supplies this week.
don't see how that would have a bearing now.

It only has a bearing because there is a small number of ultra right wingers who cant deal with the fact they lost, and are grasping at straws to overturn the loss.

Conspiracy nuts can't let the conspiracy go, they'll be claims and other lawsuits for years to come.

I've heard many a time on this site the claim that the Clinton admin's economic fortunes were due (or at least in part) to a Republican controlled congress, why doesn't it swing the other way?



Back in 2000 it was the opposite. The same conspiracy nuts were screaming that Gore was just a sore loser. Here, Obama won by a LARGE majority of the popular vote (and GW lost the popular vote in 2000) yet they want to overturn the election on some kind of ultra technical legal argument. They are happy to do this even though if successful, they may very likely wreck this country and throw us into a civil war.

What these people dont realize is that this is exactly WHY they keep losing ground to the democrats. Because for all the dem's failings and alleged failings, they dont come off as arrogant, hippocritical conspiracy nuts.
Hmmmm...maybe if you guys all would have been wearing your tin-foil hats, the SCOTUS decision may have been different?? :)
It only has a bearing because there is a small number of ultra right wingers who cant deal with the fact they lost, and are grasping at straws to overturn the loss.


It's "hypocrisy," you dolt.:rolleyes:

And no it isn't. How many lefties are still claiming that Al Gore won Florida? Don't recall you ever saying anything negative about that. And yes I know, the site wasn't open then, but the subject has come up, so don't even try it.

And again, you have already been debunked on your analysis as to why Obama won the election. But you are so thick headed that you don't ever learn anything.


I've still got my tin-foil hat on and the fat lady hasn't sung yet.

I looked at the Court docket. Is says the stay was denied, but doesn't say anything about the writ. That doesn't matter. I presume the Donofrio is one is dead for the sake of argument.

However, there is a bigger fish to fry anyway.
The better case is still waiting for Scalia to do something with. That is Cort Wrotnowski's case which is the same as Donofrio's but with more detail and better arguments.


So Friday we do it all over again. This suit has the supplemental included (will be added Dec 9th) that argues the President Chester Arthur issue.

If these fail, don't worry, there are more on the way after Obama gets the electoral votes. There are 3 electors filing lawsuits soon after the 15th.

It's going to be a long way to Jan 20th for the Messiah.

Me, I going to make me a big 'ol sombrero out of titanium for good luck.

Seriously, I have to laugh at you guys that want to make this a 'ultra-right-wing' issue. LMAO. You guys don't get but I won't even go there.

There were something like 38 recounts in Florida. Al Gore lost every one of them. Talk about cry-babies. Look in the mirror gents.
It only has a bearing because there is a small number of ultra right wingers who cant deal with the fact they lost, and are grasping at straws to overturn the loss.

Are you even capable on honesty on anything political?! This has nothing, I repeat NOTHING to do with overturning an election and you know it! You can go back and find the various posts on YOUR OWN DAMN FORUM talking about this and the issues involved from long before the election!

Stop trying to mischaracterize and marginalize a point of view that you disagree with. It only shows you to be dishonest and petty.:rolleyes:

Why don't you go back to regurgetating liberal talking points that have been thoroughly discredited; when it comes to politics, it is what you do best.
Are you even capable on honesty on anything political?! This has nothing, I repeat NOTHING to do with overturning an election and you know it! You can go back and find the various posts on YOUR OWN DAMN FORUM talking about this and the issues involved from long before the election!

Stop trying to mischaracterize and marginalize a point of view that you disagree with. It only shows you to be dishonest and petty.:rolleyes:

Joey is either the most dishonest or the most thick skulled poster on this forum.

If these fail, don't worry, there are more on the way after Obama gets the electoral votes. There are 3 electors filing lawsuits soon after the 15th.

I'm sure Obama is quaking in his boots.
Just because a few people are filing some lawsuits doesn't mean they're going to get anywhere.
This whole Obama citizen assault strategy is batting a big ZERO and you've been wrong (in what will happen) all along.
But I do admire your tenacity with this,
I'm sure Obama is quaking in his boots.

He's such an arrogant 'bleep' I'm sure he thinks he can get away with it.

I guess were back to the 'ol, gee Barry, if you got nothing to hide, show us the damn certificate.

Instead, he has not ONE, but THREE law firms spending all your contributions (will be millions of dollars) trying to protect his fraudulent candidacy. :rolleyes:
I think the time has come to put this baby to bed.
Look, if you read some of my other post concerning Obama, you will see that he was the person that I most wanted to see defeated.
He wasn't, and his win has moved me to see what is in store for our country with him at the helm.
First off, I have listened to him speak since he won the election and, I am satisfied he is surrounding himself with extremely compitent people.
I fully expect he will rule with an iron fist.
He is expecting full co-operation from all who surround him.
I think with this attitude, he can't help but succeed.
As I said, I didn't want to see him president but, in watching him as he transforms the presidency toward his administration, I have very positive beliefs in what he will accomplish.
One thing I have noticerd about him, and I felt this the day he first visited the whitehouse right after the election, he has "presidential carissma".
Bush never did, and never will.
I never looked at, or respected him as the president
He just didn't fit the presidential image.
I do feel Obama fits that image extremely well.
This business about the birth certificate was dead in the water before it began.
Harping on it serves no positive purpose.
Put it to bed children, and let's move on with positive thoughts to the incomming administration.
As I said, I did not vote for him, and as a matter of fact, I changed political affilation this year,and voted republican.
I needed to reconcile his election within myself, and I have done that.
I hope he will live up too my expectations of him.
Somehow I belive he will.
I think the time has come to put this baby to bed.
Look, if you read some of my other post concerning Obama, you will see that he was the person that I most wanted to see defeated.
He wasn't, and his win has moved me to see what is in store for our country with him at the helm.
First off, I have listened to him speak since he won the election and, I am satisfied he is surrounding himself with extremely compitent people.
I fully expect he will rule with an iron fist.
He is expecting full co-operation from all who surround him.
I think with this attitude, he can't help but succeed.
As I said, I didn't want to see him president but, in watching him as he transforms the presidency toward his administration, I have very positive beliefs in what he will accomplish.
One thing I have noticerd about him, and I felt this the day he first visited the whitehouse right after the election, he has "presidential carissma".
Bush never did, and never will.
I never looked at, or respected him as the president
He just didn't fit the presidential image.
I do feel Obama fits that image extremely well.
This business about the birth certificate was dead in the water before it began.
Harping on it serves no positive purpose.
Put it to bed children, and let's move on with positive thoughts to the incomming administration.
As I said, I did not vote for him, and as a matter of fact, I changed political affilation this year,and voted republican.
I needed to reconcile his election within myself, and I have done that.
I hope he will live up too my expectations of him.
Somehow I belive he will.


In a brief order, the Court, as expected, turned aside a New Jersey voter’s plea for the Court to determine if President-elect Barack Obama was qualified to run for the White House — that is whether he was a “natural born citizen.” The stay application came in the case of Donofrio v. Wells, Secretary of State of New Jersey (08A407). This marked the second time in recent weeks for the Court to turn aside such a challenge; the first came on Nov. 3, in Berg v. Obama (08A391). The Court, in neither instance, gave reasons for turning down the applications. In neither case did the Court seek a reponse, thus indicating it had little interest in either or had found them to be completely without merit.
This business about the birth certificate was dead in the water before it began.

Gee Bob, and why was that?

Because he precious MSM didn't spoon feed you each night and spin it to your satisfaction.

As I can see, Bob is just another American that doesn't give a sh!t about the Constitution. I think you can safely go back to being an uniformed Democrat now. The coast is clear.
In a brief order, the Court, as expected,

Dear titty gun-warmer.

Thanks for posting half the truth once again.

I'm going to ask you to do something very dangerous now.

Stop and Think!

Whoa, take it easy. Don't strain a muscle.

Why would Scalia send to Conference on the 12th a case which is basically the exact same as Donofrio's?

Why send it to Conference on the exact same day they just decided not to hear Donofrio's? Why not kill two birds with one stone?

Donofrio's was sabotaged at the lower levels for procedure. This case has no lower court baggage. It is better documented and has a better argument and is more inclusive of all the facts.


I'll wait for your extremely well thought out answer.
So am I to believe that if McCain had won the election, all of you people here (Fossten, Bryan, etc..) would be acting the exact same way and wanting the court to find McCain ineligible just like you want them to find Obama ineligible?

I'm having a hard time believing that one......
Gee Bob, and why was that?

Because he precious MSM didn't spoon feed you each night and spin it to your satisfaction.

As I can see, Bob is just another American that doesn't give a sh!t about the Constitution. I think you can safely go back to being an uniformed Democrat now. The coast is clear.

Obviously the case lacked merit for it to proceed, therefore it was dead in the water before it began.
I am willing to give this new administration time to prove itself.
Time will give all of us the answers .
If the administration fails, so be it.
In four years it can be voted out if the voters are dissatisfied.
As for the intergrity of the constitution, I think it is still in tact.
If those hell bent on changing it, or amending it in any way , want to succeed, they best stay with that cause but, make it a cause for the people, not full out agression for any one person.
They have a full four years to make their case before the next election and, if it is a formidable explanation of just what is a natural born citizen, as written in the constitution, then they need to concentrate on that issue, and only that issue.
So am I to believe that if McCain had won the election, all of you people here (Fossten, Bryan, etc..) would be acting the exact same way and wanting the court to find McCain ineligible just like you want them to find Obama ineligible?

I'm having a hard time believing that one......

The two cases are different. You are making a false analogy. But being irrational and distortion opposing points of view is expected of you.:rolleyes:
Me? Thick Headed?

Nah, im just staying the course.

Yeah, and you can in no way be both. If fact, that is not at all what fossten was saying right?

You are just proving both him and me right; you are "staying the course" for you by being thick headed, irrational and distorting others views to make your point. Something we have all come to expect from you when it comes to anything political...
Obviously the case lacked merit for it to proceed, therefore it was dead in the water before it began.

There is no way you can logically conclude that. They didn't comment on it. you are speculating and assuming it is true.

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