the police love my ls.....

Dominus said:
Being a police officer usually lacks such motives for murder? Please tell us how many officers are killed only because they are police, and not because they are in the process of interfering with a criminal's actions. :rolleyes:

OK, :rolleyes: I guess since that interfering with criminal activity IS being a cop... :rolleyes: I should've said that cops get murdered more than anyone else for doing their job. :rolleyes:

Then, the fact that since it's not a taxi driver's nor a store clerk's "job" to interfere with robberies and such, it would make a police officer's job inherently more dangerous. People in other occupations end up dead because try to interfere where they shouldn't... meaning that the get killed by resisting a robbery and such.

Maybe the police survive more than the average store clerk or taxi driver, because the police are trained to handles such situations, wear body armor, have a gun with them at all times, use precaution, work as a team, and maybe they're just better shots.

Thanks for pointing that out... I'm glad I'm still right. Now shooo.... go away fly.
dooneybaby said:
I couldn't have said it myself... Thanks ghost.

dude that ok... people dont under stand what the pick is.. it is 3 cops behind a Ls that is the point not how took the pick
Haha, I can't believe I just read from someone that Orlando is better than NY. That is one of the funniest things I've ever read on the internet. Orlando is one of the most bland and frustratingly asanine cities I've been too, what is that highway the 40? Whatever it was getting me into downtown, I just sat on that for literally 2 hours trying to get to my location. People had no clue how to drive, what the :q:q:q:q is up with that? Yeah here in LA we have the worst traffic in the US. But at least people here know how to handle their cars and find alternate routes and be resourceful and try to get some footing in the nonstop traffic m ess.

Orlando also has no interesting nightlife whatsoever... there are so few distinct and authentic options, from food to clubs to museums to 24hr joints to whatever... it's like the town is on permanent Gettin-Old energy level. ugh i just can't even think about Orlando it makes my head hurt. Oh and no need to mention the highway around Disney. That is ridiculous. Even the 405 on the west side of LA moves more than that. Well I take that back, nothing compares to the 405.

NY is a very fun and exciting and new sort of city. Every weekend you will discover something new to do from the simple pleasure of walking a new street to the big event like a broadway premiere or a game at Yankee Stadium. there is so much life and energy to NY, whenever you leave your house, you feel like you are getting swept away somewhere. It is a constant reminder of humans because they are everywhere. Agree or not but my opinion is the people who can't handle other people like that are the ones who move to Florida. The samey-ness of a place like Orlando ensures a comfortable distance from the possible disruption of the flow of things... much like what NY does to you. You live there and BAM! You are part of NY and that just makes it one person better.
steagle said:
Agree or not but my opinion is the people who can't handle other people like that are the ones who move to Florida. The samey-ness of a place like Orlando ensures a comfortable distance from the possible disruption of the flow of things... much like what NY does to you. You live there and BAM! You are part of NY and that just makes it one person better.
LOL, police vs person thread to city vs city thread? I'm not knocking LA, I like it there. People who can't handle other people don't move to Florida, they bitch in on-line forums where you don't have to see someone's face. I'm done. Florida is nice, sunny, and warm, I'm going to the pool in a min and check out some bikinis. Peace. :L
Peace to you too, I know that came off a bit condescending ;) I like Florida I just don't like Orlando. I think Ybor City/St Pete's, Tampa and Miami all have very interesting atmospheres. Orlando is just the generic center of the state that's all. We'll just call it a day at that :)
mholhut said:
OK, :rolleyes: I guess since that interfering with criminal activity IS being a cop... :rolleyes: I should've said that cops get murdered more than anyone else for doing their job. :rolleyes:

Then, the fact that since it's not a taxi driver's nor a store clerk's "job" to interfere with robberies and such, it would make a police officer's job inherently more dangerous. People in other occupations end up dead because try to interfere where they shouldn't... meaning that the get killed by resisting a robbery and such.

Maybe the police survive more than the average store clerk or taxi driver, because the police are trained to handles such situations, wear body armor, have a gun with them at all times, use precaution, work as a team, and maybe they're just better shots.

Thanks for pointing that out... I'm glad I'm still right. Now shooo.... go away fly.

No, you're still wrong. Taxi cab drivers and store clerks get shot all of the time just to prevent themselves from being indentified. They are shot, just for doing their job. Any half-baked police officer with more than 5 minutes of experience should know that giving up the cash doesn't guarantee that a clerk will not be murdered.

Or is it NOT part of a store clerks' or taxi cab drivers' job to report crimes that have happened to them?
:waving: Since this thread will not die. (I'm part to blame for it.) I petition Admin to move it to the Anything Goes section. The LS is not even discussed in this thread.
mholhut said:
At least there's one guy in NY I like...

Ahhhh the good ol' days...

It's too bad he's full of crap. No drug pushers? No child molestors? Which New York City is he talking about? The one on the moon? "The good old days" is what gave NYC it's reputation as a total and complete hellhole. If things were the way they were back then right now, I would not even consider living here.

Yeah, the police can't excercise brutality anymore, and yes, they can get sued for breaking the law, but they do a hell of a lot better job now, then they did "back in the day", and witout having to beat up innocent people, or use the old racist laws that were suspended in the late 60s.

The only people who could listen to that and actually give it any heed at all could definitely not be residents of NYC during the "good old days".
Might as well get into this...

In concern to everything that has been said, I'd like to make a few statements.

As far as the whole racial profiling thing that has been coming up, there are African American officers on the force as well. The police force does not mean KKK. I have been racially profiled at a local school, by a black officer, when I went to pick one of my girlfriends up. He asked me what I was doing there because I was parked out front waiting. He asked me to step out of the car, he spoke for a while and we were next to his squad car. He then said "alright get out of here I don't want to see you here again" when my friend came out, then stated that I wasn't walking towards my car fast enough. My other friend who was in the car phoned his father, who is a Lieutenant in the Sheriff's department and had the officer speak to him. Needless to say, the officer left very shortly after.

As far as getting pulled over, I think anyone who mods their car has more of a chance of getting pulled over, that's just how it is. Abide the laws, and you'll be fine.

Now as for your Fla.
I'm really getting tired of your racist and age oriented comments and ideas. Regardless what age you are, the more you belittle people for their mistakes, the dumber you look. As I've stated, almost after every post you make, age does not mean intelligence, it also doesn't mean maturity either.
Sit back, think of these questions.
A. Why am I on this board?
B. Do I bring anything to this board besides biased opinions?
C. Am I offending anyone on here?

If you can't think of any good answers for any of those questions and perhaps think of why you cause so many problems, just leave. And before you say it, we don't get mad because "you are right", we get mad because you make yourself out to be some kind of super-citizen, when your just egotistical. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.
KD00LS said:
Now as for your Fla.
I'm really getting tired of your racist and age oriented comments and ideas. Regardless what age you are, the more you belittle people for their mistakes, the dumber you look. As I've stated, almost after every post you make, age does not mean intelligence, it also doesn't mean maturity either.
Sit back, think of these questions.
A. Why am I on this board?
B. Do I bring anything to this board besides biased opinions?
C. Am I offending anyone on here?

If you can't think of any good answers for any of those questions and perhaps think of why you cause so many problems, just leave. And before you say it, we don't get mad because "you are right", we get mad because you make yourself out to be some kind of super-citizen, when your just egotistical. Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Well said and rules for everyone to live by.

02LSE96LSC91SE84TC said:
I can honestly say I"ve been pulled over because of my own doing, minor thou, slight speeding, exhaust in front of the rear wheels, car shackled illegally(made the cop take that one back immediately, new leaf springs aren't illegal)and been harassed for no reason. If you think some police don't have a chip on their shoulder your wrong. I'm not saying all are the same, I've had the cool police and fair warnings. But the facts are I've been harassed for the car I drive and have had a cop say "Is this your car, how can you afford it" thats WRONG. The stupid idiot couldn't even tell it was two colors and a obvious collision repair by a kid that isn't a punk and can turn a wrench better than he could imagine. There's bad apples in all crowds, kids and the police. Oh yeh thats just one time I was IMO harassed. BTW 33 yrs old, never a accident where the other person didn't get ticketed there fault. Only a few speeding tickets, too few to remember, none in 5 yrs.

Very well said, cops in all areas are different, it just so happened that most of them around here cept most of the staties in RI are dicks.... that includes (east providence at the top of the list)... I havent been stopped in my LS yet but i used to get stopped in my camry....
Dominus said:
No, you're still wrong. Taxi cab drivers and store clerks get shot all of the time just to prevent themselves from being indentified. They are shot, just for doing their job. Any half-baked police officer with more than 5 minutes of experience should know that giving up the cash doesn't guarantee that a clerk will not be murdered.

Or is it NOT part of a store clerks' or taxi cab drivers' job to report crimes that have happened to them?

See, you keep changing your comparisons here... now you're talking about being shot and not being killed. Stick to one set of circumstances. Just like all the taxi drivers and the store clerks, the police get shot at too. Thankfully they all don't sucumb to their wonds.

If you read the stats from the Uniform Crime Reports I posted, you would've seen:

Police murdered in 2004: 57
Taxi drivers murdered in 2004: 38
Conveinience store clerks murderd in 2004: 31

You'll have to provide me with some facts about who's getting shot at and at what rate because I'm not able to find that data.

So all that shooting you are referring to going on in NYC? Damn, sounds safe to me. Glad I'm a cop and that I won't have to worry that anyone would be shooting at me! :rolleyes: How do you want to convolute this next... that the taxi cab drivers and store clerks get more paper cuts than the police?
Dominus said:
Being a police officer usually lacks such motives for murder? Please tell us how many officers are killed only because they are police, and not because they are in the process of interfering with a criminal's actions. :rolleyes:

Here is just one......
From website....

Deputy York was shot on August 14, 1997, and died of his wounds on August 16, 1997. Deputy York and his fiancée, who is also a Los Angeles deputy, were off duty and in a hair salon when two robbers entered and ordered everyone to the ground. While one suspect covered the customers the other collected everyone's wallets and purses. The two suspects discovered Deputy York's badge and immediately shot him in the back of the head as he lay on the ground. Deputy York had not resisted and remained calm throughout the entire robbery trying to keep others from getting hurt. The two suspects were arrested later in the day during a traffic stop by Fullerton Police. In August 2000 the suspect who pulled the trigger was found guilty of first degree murder with special circumstances and sentenced to death.

RIP Deputy York.........

Now down to business....
why don’t you simply state why you were stopped? And why on earth you pulled to the left?
Don’t use that "I’m going to court so I don’t want to talk about it" excuse. Like any of us here are going to prosecute your case...though I’m sure some would like to.
Plain and simple….. If you were caught Disobeying a law, and believe you were in the right go to your court date and win. If it was that blatant and the police are wrong you should have no problem winning your case…..right?

Here is my Synopsis/Suspicion of the stop…..This is PURELY upon observation of your photos and how you talked about the stop in general.

Your auto was stopped for a legal traffic infraction. Upon a dot check of your Driving Status it showed you did not have a license, or you were operating with a suspended license. At that time you called your girlfriend to come and drive the auto away while the police issued you a warning for the stop and a citation for driving with out/suspended license. During this time, she took the photos of the officers while walking to your car. You took photos of the officers from your car to post the inevitable racially biased traffic stop.
To top it off I bet the officers were cordial to you and respectful during the entire stop.

Now please post the entire story of the events as they unfold and prove me wrong! Heck scan the warning or citation for ALL of US to see.
things never change

From my fist car to my last it don"t matter what you drive some Cops just got a chip on there shoulder .I got tickets i deserve and others I shoud n't .I got one in my LS, cop stopped me first thing he said to me is this your car ?and said I was 10 k over ? went to court he didn't show ! I drive a 2001 mazda mpv now & cops never ask me if its my van ?.It's human nature people are just haters some of them are cops your boss etc etc .I hate to see people write you deserve to be stopped cause your black you know where you can go with that. Well sold my Lincoln Ls and bought a house and people ask me do you live here ??:confused:

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