The Super Bowl


Its not gonna be much of a game folks.
pepperman said:
Rich, the steel curtain will be very rusty and the Seahawks will win!!!!

unless they brought a firetruck full of PB blaster, its the steelers day.
Rich you and Mr.Wilson must be looking in a cracked crystal ball or something, because the Seahwks will win by 10 points at least :p
You know what is sad....other than Pep and his GREAT that Seattle has done a poll themselves, and 69% of them (yes.....this is a poll that was done IN Seattle) think that the Steelers are gonna win.......:shifty:
Ray, it is going to be a good game no matter what, and The Seahawks are still going to win!!!!
Thats because everyone is Seattle is a 49's fan. Nobody homegrown in Seattle actually likes them, just like nobody in MN actually like the Vikings

Those teams have alienated their home base so many times that they root AGAINST them...

No loyalty I tells ya!
Stack said:
Thats because everyone is Seattle is a 49's fan. Nobody homegrown in Seattle actually likes them, just like nobody in MN actually like the Vikings

Those teams have alienated their home base so many times that they root AGAINST them...

No loyalty I tells ya!
:I Stack!!!
Rich, Stop protesting DQ, once you get your DQ fix you will realize that the Seahawks will win!!!!
Ray, have you come to your senses yet and realized that the Seahawks are going to win the Super Bowl :D
This is the only Bowl the Steelers will win :D

super bowl.jpg
Hank Wlliams Jr. is a Steelers Fan! I just saw a close-up of him in the Steeler intro! It looked like him in black and yellow.

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