The "TerminVIIIor's" new wheels

Those Cragars Are Sickening

Whoa! Gene, what are you doing?

Just funin, They're hott as Hell, and really make a unique statement.

Just Keepin N Touch.


Hey Art.

I was going to suprise you with them when you got to the shop yesterday! LOL! There sweet, wait til you see them in person. How did you make out at the body shop?
Hers a couple of more shots.



Nice wheels. Thoes look just right. Nice choice.

Can you post up a pic that fullsize backround size? Something square. I can see you chop them all off.


Don't know yet. Maybe the same color but with some sickass ghost flames.

Geno, your ride is hot but why not go for a different color scheme, like green to blue and ditch that purple. car would look sick with those rims and it'd be something new, which you obviouslly wanna spice things up a bit
what are you doing with the old cobras, if ya have them I will buy them
found a set on ebay but guess its closed cause its not on they any more, was yesterday. what the mfg. name again

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