The Truth Comes Out: N.O. Mayor abandons hospitalized people as well as his plan

I voted for GWB , do i regret it yeah sometimes, it seems to me that he would rather concentrate on international matters than on domestic concerns,
things were good when he took office but have steadly gone down hiil ever since. If the Democratic party had any other candidate other than John Kerry
GWB would probably have lost.
pepperman said:
I voted for GWB , do i regret it yeah sometimes, it seems to me that he would rather concentrate on international matters than on domestic concerns,
things were good when he took office but have steadly gone down hiil ever since. If the Democratic party had any other candidate other than John Kerry
GWB would probably have lost.

I agree - Kerry was not the best candidate -
Okay, "The graphic representation of popularity poll results over a period of time"

SameSame, lies, dammed lies, and statistics. (statistics should be a required class in high school)

I voted for the Bush twice. did I think he was all that? NO, but look what the alternative was. If you are a democrat and want to see another democrate in the White House next go a round get someone who's not a flaming liberal. I'd vote for the Bush again, even after all of his two faced BS, before I'd vote for anyone like Hillary, and I'll bet I'm with the majority of America on that.

The sorry state of affairs in the south should result in criminal prosecutions and jail time, but these politicians who are more interested in their careers than people lives will skate.

Where is the outrage in the press for this gross incompentence? The citizens of the area would be justified in marching on the state captiol and burning it to the ground for the backhanded way they have been treated. Where's the Robert Kennedy's of the democratic party when they're needed?

Talk's cheap, point fingers and tell stories while thousands of lives are screwed up for a decade. NOWS the time for our NEXT President to take the stage.
The sorry state of affairs in the south should result in criminal prosecutions and jail time, but these politicians who are more interested in their careers than people lives will skate.

????? Are you talking about N.O., or the whole south?
President in Gulf Coast for 3rd post-storm visit

Bush to tour stricken New Orleans; soldiers won't force people from homes

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And they said earlier that pictures don't lie.

That's some mighty fine photoshop work.
In Katrina’s wake, the president’s popularity and job-approval ratings have dropped across the board. Only 38 percent of Americans approve of the way Bush is doing his job overall, a record-low for this president in the NEWSWEEK poll. (Fifty-five percent of Americans disapprove of his overall job performance.) And only 28 percent of Americans say they are “satisfied with the way things are going” in the country, down from 36 percent in August and 46 percent in December, after the president’s re-election. This is another record low and two points below the satisfaction level recorded immediately after the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal came to light. Fully two-thirds of Americans are not satisfied with the direction of the country.
Joeychgo said:
President in Gulf Coast for 3rd post-storm visit

Bush to tour stricken New Orleans; soldiers won't force people from homes

See? And you people thought he wasn't doing enough; the man is down there feeding the people himself!
fossten said:
See? And you people thought he wasn't doing enough; the man is down there feeding the people himself!

See, now thats something I would expect to hear from Monstermark :) --- Followed by a complaint that the liberal media isnt reporting about his (Bush's) efforts to help the needy.
Joeychgo said:
See, now thats something I would expect to hear from Monstermark :) --- Followed by a complaint that the liberal media isnt reporting about his (Bush's) efforts to help the needy.

I'll take that as a compliment...thanks.

Glad to see some of us can have fun on this board.
fossten said:
I'll take that as a compliment...thanks.

Glad to see some of us can have fun on this board.

Hell - I didnt start this board to NOT have fun!

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