The Valentine One

no....i just share my opinions. but it is a fact that valentine does have most of the original patents and other companies are trying to find loopholes. nearly all useful technology found on bel's, escort's, cobra's were found on V1's first with the exception of POP detection which in my mind doesn't matter a whole lot since it can not be used to write a ticket.

i have used nearly all other types of radars, i have nothing against any of them. i never once said all other radars are crap and aren't worth buying. my first post which started this thread was more or less a joke. if it works for you then by all means go for it.
But why do you need a radar detector at all...don't you just get your daddy to get you out of all of your tickets? Seems like that's the best ticket prevention device there is.
no....i just share my opinions. but it is a fact that valentine does have most of the original patents and other companies are trying to find loopholes. nearly all useful technology found on bel's, escort's, cobra's were found on V1's first with the exception of POP detection which in my mind doesn't matter a whole lot since it can not be used to write a ticket.

i have used nearly all other types of radars, i have nothing against any of them. i never once said all other radars are crap and aren't worth buying. my first post which started this thread was more or less a joke. if it works for you then by all means go for it.

Yep, what he said......

I just didn't know about this competition the companies had going on, I knew the V1 is good but I thought the others had their own technology/designs and relied on that instead of (more or less) reverse engineering/ someone else's product.

Now if we could just find a reliable jammer, now wouldn't that be something?
Yeah but those are illegal which I guess wouldn't stop some people. I think radar detectors are kind of fun since its one of the few products sold with its sole purpose being to break the law.
Concealed V1 in my LS, love it!

Copy of DSCN1204.JPG
I have the Escort Passport 8500 and it's great. It's also got a "bogey counter" as part of its options in the setup (I normally don't even have it on, never really have a need, if I'm going fast, it's on the highway).

But I'd like to say, the Escort Passport 9500 has a new feature where it's GPS enabled, so it learns the location of common false alarms and filters them out. It can also automatically adjust its sensitivity based on your speed (highway speed is full sensitivity, city driving can lower the k and x band sensitivity so doors and alarm systems don't set it off as easy). AND, it's got an auto volume adjust, so if you've got the windows down, it'll automatically turn its volume up so you can hear the alert. Sweeeeeet.
Yep, what he said......

I just didn't know about this competition the companies had going on, I knew the V1 is good but I thought the others had their own technology/designs and relied on that instead of (more or less) reverse engineering/ someone else's product.

Now if we could just find a reliable jammer, now wouldn't that be something?

Jammers are legal or illegal, depending on what you're jamming.

Me personally, I think it's a bunch of B.S., but whatever... (oh, and the FCC is the only one with the jurisdiction to discover and prosecute for illegal jamming of radar, so next time you see an FCC car milling about, let me know)

Anyhow, jamming laser is legal in most states. Jamming radar is not. Then again, the FCC... yeah...

Oh, and I should note, my car has a laser jammer on it, and the car's for sale
yeah, how well do laser jammers work? do you even know if it works? im not bashing them, but how do you know it works until you fly by a cop. i know it tells you a laser is being shot at your car but so does a V1 or any other radar detector these days. and 02v8sport, where did you mount the actual v1 unit?
Above my mirror

WOW! Very nice. I like the concealed aspect of that. I may invest in a V1 at some point.

On a side note: Last weekend I traveled up to Lake of the Ozarks in MO and was using my radar detector (cheap old unit from Wal-Mart) while on Hwy 44. I was passing a car in the left lane doing around 90 in a 70 while traveling on a slight incline. Got to the top of the hill, there was a trooper sitting on the right side of the Highway slightly behind a support for an overpass. No warning whatsoever until I could actually see the trooper (then it beeps like crazy). The interstate was not devoid of cars, nor was it heavy traffic but I would assume I was not the only car on the road he shot radar at. I should have had some warning.... I guess you get what you pay for. Funny thing is that I was running with this fellow resident of the Natural State in a Tacoma who was about 1/2 mile ahead of me at the time. Guess he was stuck behind a slower car at the time he passed that trooper.... Sited for 86 in a 70, $130 fine payable in 30 days. Guess that is my 15th speeding ticket now.:rolleyes:
Yes you get what you pay for.

In my opinion you get what you pay for. I let go a Pasport X50 w/ blue display(which is the coolest looking display out there) last week for my Valentine One.

The Passport was great in certain features and the Valentine is great in others. It would be great to get a mix of both. The Valentine does false a lot. The Passport was much better at not falsing.

But the range of the Valentine is nuts. I picked up a cop shooting traffic down a side street about 16 blocks away. I thought it was falsing but he was hiding and I could not see him even 4 blocks down but the Valentine was alerting at 100%.

The Passport 9500 w/ GPS is great and you can tell it where not to false, but what happens the next time a cop is really hiding there? Your radar wont go off.

If you get on of the following:
Valentine One
Passport 8500 X50 or 9500
Bel RX 65 or STI Driver

you cant go wrong.
The valentine is made in america and is somewhat more rugged than other units. I had a bell whisler that was only a few years old and stopped giving audio warnings with only the light coming on.
I didn't notice because in the colder weather I remote start the car and don't hear the startup self test.
The really cheap units like from radio shack or walmart are fragile and can stop working if you drop them only a foot or so.
Around here all the cops and troopers have their rolling radar on as they drive. It is impractical to turn these on and off while driving. They also alway's sit in their favorite fishing holes around a corner or over the crest.
A better detecter will pick up these signals with plenty of warning.
Only once in 20 years have I been hit by an instant on radar.
It's only the guy shooting a laser that I've come upon in an unusual location. That only comes up like once a year and the M20 detecter/jammer takes care of that
The arrows do have their advantages.
I pulled out of my driveway and within seconds the detecter went off with the rear arrow flashing. Looking in my rearview I noticed a blazer some distance back which turned out to be a state trooper.
I've had the side arrows warn me of cops when coming up to intersections as my light turns yellow.
If you can afford it IMO the valentine is worth the extra money.
Of course being alert and paying attention and practicing visual scanning if you're speeding is also smart. Slowing down at night is also prudent.

HA! My 160$ best buy unit has been stolen, chucked out of moving vehicles, slammed in doors ect.. (ive had it for some time) AND it still works. Flimsy?! I think not.
Just wake up from a 3 year coma?
Glad you found a good one.
I can afford it and 400.00 is pin money for me.
I'm very happy with both my V1's and my laser jammers
at 1000.00 per car.

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