guy i greatly appreciate all the info again. and yeah it was a '04 LSE. but they had an '03 there too. i was there for about 2hours trying to make a good deal. good deal being they give more on the navi. but all they wanted to give was 9,700 for it which would leave me with alil over 5,000. not where i wanted to be. if they would come with maybe 2,000 more then i can see it. they wanted 19,900 for it, with 33,000 miles. got them to come down to awhole whooping 18,700. after several denies on both me and the finance department i left. i hope that today the salesman will call and tell me to come back and hopefully give a better deal. i really dont think anyone at the used lot knows what they have. thats why im trying to get them to come down some more. anyhow both the '03 and '04 both are sitting in the back lot behind the used navi's and next to the conti's. to me they might be there for a minute. so i can wait.