Thinking I might have to sell the LS


Active LVC Member
Jul 10, 2009
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The fact that I have even considered to think about selling my Ls is almost sickening. I have put so much time and work into it and it's not going to be an easy decision but there are things in my life that I have to put first. After a recent divorce my ex wife has decided that she is going to go ahead and move to Texas and that puts my nearly 6 hours from my kids. I am going to have to have something more practical to drive back and forth to see them.
you could rent a car...20-40bucks for a renter is as much as gas would be for an LS to drive that much....why not do that? new car will give you a buzz kill. Don't let your ex wife take your manhood!
I wouldn't sell the car for that reason... if its paid off then keep it. Buy a thousand dollar beater and tell her you sold the LS. Make her bring the children to you :) I would move closer to your kids actually. No real man should allow that. Have you considered relationship therapy? Do it for the kids!!!
I would agree about keeping the LS and buying a beater. Then have your visitation rights amended to force your ex to meet you half the distance away with your kids. You could also go to court to force her from taking your kids out of state.

You have parental rights, talk to your attorney and use them.
The Ls isn't paid for is the biggest issue and financially I'm not so well off. I took a huge force deduction in pay this year when the economy did it's flop in order to keep my job and we're talking like $2000 less a month and I have barely able to keep my head above water every since. I put $20,000 into my house and do you think I will see a dime of that when she sells it? Couple that with the marital split and I'm wearing cement boots on the dock! There is no counseling with her this is a many times over failed relationship and goes way beyond unhealthy for not only me but for my two little girls who have had to continually here that bad things spoken and see me told to get out all the time. It has never been a good relatonship, we may have had some good times but over all it's been a life sapping black hole for the last 6 years of my life. As far as parental rights, i got screwed and don't have the money to fight it right now. My oldest daughter is not biologically mine but I treat her as my own and always will. I have been the only real father she has ever had or known. My youngest is biologically mine but her mom never would put my name on the birth certificate and our marriage was technically only common law but we still had to sign a separation of property and termination of common law. With out a really good attorney and a bunch of money I'm screwed and she knows it.
as far as the LS, I want to keep it but I need to sell it for what i owe and get another car. I have been looking at a Toyota Supra so it's not all bad. They are my fav second to the Ls.
Sorry to hear about your situation. I know you're old enough to make your own decisions so I'm not going to harp. The only thing I have to ask is how is a Toyota Supra more practical than a Lincoln LS?
I can pick the Supra up for a around $18,000, has lower miles and gets better gas mileage. It'll be a little cheaper on the loan payment because I can get a better interest rate now. My Ls doesn't do bad on the highway, I'm looking to cut my over all costs per month. I currently spend $200-$220 on gas a month coupled with the payment I'm out around or a little over $500 a month in car expense. If I can lower that even $100 and can cut back in other places as well I would be better off.
You think a Supra is more practical in this situation?

The LS is 100% highway!

Keep it, its practical enough. It really isnt much up keep, not compared to a boosted monster of a Supra!
Jesus man! Kids first. Sell the LS and pay cash for a car you can afford. How are you ever going to get ahead if you are still making car payments? Buy a used Taurus or some other POS. Will it suck? Of course it will, but you are a dad. Man up. If you pay cash for a car you can then use the money that would go into car payments and pay yourself in a separate account. In the time it would take you to pay off your car loan you will have enough in the bank to do an outright purchase. That way you get the interest and have the flexibility to do other things with the money. Such as using it to take care of your family issues. $18,000 for a car in your situation is stupid. I'd be looking for something in the $7000 range. Sorry if I sound like an ass. I just rant because I care. :)

I bought my 02 LS in 2004 for $18,000. That loan was $288 a month for 72 months at a 6.25% rate. I am not sure if you are going to find that type of rate now, especially on a used car that is that old and you will probably need to buy off a private seller.

I just paid it off in full and I am so happy not to have a car payment. I was young (still am:) ) and should have never bought the car then when I was still in college.

I learned my lesson but am not anywhere near the situation you are in so I can't walk in your shoes. I wish you the best.
I get what you're say it's not that I don't understand or know my role and order of priorities. I am going to have to get a loan no matter what I and the bank already told me I could get a cheaper payment than what i pay now. trust me selling the Ls is not something i want to do. Really I need to see what the next couple months brings. This isn't something has to happen over night. I am currently in process of looking for a different job. there are several companies around the area within 45 minutes of me that offer so much more and pay way better. The rut I'm stuck in at my current job have been a creation of my own inability to conform to the "Good Ol Boy" system. I do what is right and what needs to be done and I do it without feeling the need to crawl under my superiors desk like some of the people I work with. I will earn my keep because i work hard. I'm just at a cross road right now and there's a lot going on at once. I just try and be prepared for what's to come the best i can. Selling or not selling the Ls is only a small part of it all. As far as my family goes i do a very good job of supporting my kids, I will continue to do the best i can as long as i can until I can get an attorney and get things lined out so they are as they should be.
Your kids mean everything but your going to loose money. Just deal with what you have now. In the end, why loose what you have been paying and then pay more for a expensive Supra on top of that?

Think about insurance and general maintenance on a turbo powered car. Think about repairs.

General maintenance and repair the LS really aint that bad. Just dont put things off and let them build up, thats when the LS becomes a money pit.

If you must get rid of the LS and get something different, dont get something that requires more up keep and has a higher price tag.

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