This could be it guys (and girls)!!!

captainalias said:
oh, you mean like a bait and switch?
yes sir, it happened to me a lincoln dealer offered 2003 BRAND new ls's so i thought hey if its been sitting on there lot for 2 years theyll give it to me for peanuts once i called "oh no we dont have that but come check out our 05 selection!"
Do you know what type of option this car has? Could be really base. You might of put that already but I'm really sick right now, figures too, nice weather and all.

I went to a lincoln dealer and they had a nice one for way cheap w/ not any miles (under 15,000) but it had nothing really. Not even a cd player.
stateproperty3423 said:
no way in hell ill find a 03+ v6 with that kind of miles for 17k i mean ill try but i doubt it.... maybe you have a point there is a pretty good resale margin between the the v6 and v8 but i wouldnt call the v6s resale "poor" on top of all that i only have around 20k to work with being to picky and only going for a v8 wont work

you missed my point, you can probably get the one you are looking at for 17. So you have found one.
stateproperty3423 said:
looks like an intentional misprint to me all lot of dealers do that to get you to go down there then they offer you another one...pisses me off...y do u think they didnt post the miles on it

That can be absolutely legitimate. With the right rebates, you can buy a new base v-6 in the low 20's. There is no doubt that the car could depreciate another 4-5K soon as its driven off the lot. The vehilce probably has at least 20k on it as well. It would still be under auction and book value and would be a good deal if it could be had and is legitimate.
Beamer said:
Do you know what type of option this car has? Could be really base. You might of put that already but I'm really sick right now, figures too, nice weather and all.

I went to a lincoln dealer and they had a nice one for way cheap w/ not any miles (under 15,000) but it had nothing really. Not even a cd player.

Really? I always htought a cd player was standard...
I paid 22 for mine. but damn was it clean. I mean not a mark anywhere I dont care If it was a bit much. Hey if you think thats the car for you go for it. I would just run a quick carfax. $20 may tell you more than the dealer is willing to disclose.
s5397 said:
Thought you guys might want to take a look at this ad... It still a V6 but seems a very good price for a 2005 at least to my opinion...

if it seems to good to be true, call the place selling the car, ask em for the vin# and call ford customer service... 800-392-3673
they will tell you if the car has a salvaged title, etc.. or the warranty is void,
things you may want to know before buying the car. :Beer

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