This has nothing to do with our LS's...

I do not mean to offend your friend, but is he slightly retarded?

Who wants to go to a car related website and listen to some ghey electronic/techno music? Yes, I know you can stop it, but I don't feel like I should have to take the extra time to do that.

I am sure he knows this but it's "proven". provenperformance is prolly taken up. Once again, I am not motivatd today, so a whois is out of the question.


That is all.
damn Frog, you are harsh... you got a thing for perfect punctuation and spelling i can see... wait, let me see if i spelled everything correctly and used all the proper grammar... did i Frog? haha

With respect sir, I wasn't trying to be harsh at all. I happen to not be afraid of speaking my mind... online or in real life. But that's another story for another time.

And as far as the other stuff... well... I'm hukd on fonix, I guess. Really, I don't mind typos. Hell, we all have them. Lord knows I have my share of them. What annoys me is blatant ignorance for even the most basic grammar and punctuation rules.


Here's the best part: I wasn't born in the States. 'Learned English at the age of 13 or so... go figure.

/History Lesson

Oh, and it's "I" not "i" when you are referring to yourself.

/Spelling NAZI

Sorry... Couldn't help it. :Beer
I don't care what kind of car it is. Those are impressive numbers out of that thing. Give the guy his due.
say what you want but an 11 second car is still respectable
It's his website, so he's going to put whatever he wants on there. Sure, your entitled to your opinion and I understand that. What makes you think we all like your choice of music?

diff strokes for diff folks
so frogman what youre saying is...that yuo have nothin better to do than bitch about the techno music? I think youre retarded. Some people are just A$$holes like that i guess. do you own a car shop? no...then shut the hell up.
As someone that runs numerous online retail stores I will agree, sound is a no-no. I don't care here nor there whether someone uses it, i just personally would visit another site.

I think the gentlemen would love to see sales get better and provide higher conversions and I firmly believe removing the sound and jazz will do just that.

Remember, often the best answer is the simplest.

Amazon, Ebay, Borders, BestBuy all keep a good clean look, as most stores should. You could consider some websites that use to much like the 'ditty bopper' girl stores you walk in and barbie girl is bumping so loud you can't think. It will turn clients away.

It really makes no difference to me if someone makes a site with sound, there are always other sites to go to, I think the design fits the bill of whats needed and for the people hes dealing with. I always like to say if you believe its best, go for it, so tell brother rice to keep going if he feels thats the way!

Besides it doesn't follow section 508 guidelines or any type of w3c compliancy to do it for any reason even semantic markup :D not that it makes a difference to most these days anyway...

tminard18 said:
so frogman what youre saying is...that yuo have nothin better to do than bitch about the techno music? I think youre retarded. Some people are just A$$holes like that i guess. do you own a car shop? no...then shut the hell up.

Wow... Personal insults. Gotta love them. :Beer

I don't have a problem with Techno music. But not on a Retail Front end, man! That is just plain stupid! The owner of that website is assuming that EVERYONE who visits his website likes Techno. What if a potential customer hates techno, and he loses a sale? But, as the gentleman above you posted, different stroke for different Folks... And I think I'm rehashing what didjital| said.

No, I do not own a car shop. Want to know why? Well, Ok. Since you asked so nicely... I CAN AFFORD TO PAY SOMEONE ELSE to work on my cars. I know, such a hard concept to grasp. I help keep people like the guy with his shop in business. For, if everyone owned an autoshop, then how would the honest working autoshop owners earn their daily bread? Working on Han Solo's Millenium Falcon?

Oh, and you should see how big an Arsehole I can be in real life, when provoked. too bad this is the internet, and I take it with a grain of salt... therefore, I don't let it get to me. Telling me to stfu is like telling a wall to move. Ain't gonna happen. If you sir have a problem with that, then may I humbly suggest you do not read my posts? I am sure that there is even an option to ignore my user name on the forums. That way the forum software will automatically filter out all of my posts.

You sir are getting your panties twisted up way too much over an oppinion that someone posted on an internet forum. May want to loosen up a bit before they cut circulation to your head.

That is all

I know of this shop because I own a DSM hence the screen name. Pruven has one of the nicest Talons that I've ever seen(the orange one) the thing is a beast(mid 9's in the 1/4) I personally have a 91 talon that runs consitant low 11's. Do you know if your buddy is going to the DSM shoot out this weekend in NJ?
I think the bottom line is advertising. The owner took a different approach at gearing his site towards certain customers. More power to him if its a success.
gray1g said:
I know of this shop because I own a DSM hence the screen name. Pruven has one of the nicest Talons that I've ever seen(the orange one) the thing is a beast(mid 9's in the 1/4) I personally have a 91 talon that runs consitant low 11's. Do you know if your buddy is going to the DSM shoot out this weekend in NJ?

I am not sure but he probably will be there...that car is's hard to believe you can get that kind of speed from an AWD 4 banger. I think they ran a 9.60@144 mph w/o NOS. 60 ft line 1.2 secs.
00NORCAL V8 said:
I am not sure but he probably will be there...that car is's hard to believe you can get that kind of speed from an AWD 4 banger. I think they ran a 9.60@144 mph w/o NOS. 60 ft line 1.2 secs.

any videos if this car? can't get enuff of em, especially drag racing(videos)
i'm reallllyyyy sorry frogaman. i had no idea what a complete and total badass you are. Ive known some stubborn people but never have i encountered a man that is like a wall! you are hardcore bro. and i'm happy youre so rich. cause thats how yuore helping keep all the auto shops in bizz. and hes not assuming everyone that goes to his site will like the music. he doesnt care.he likes it so he did it. that was my only beef with you. god some people are sooooooo stupid and arrogant.
tminard18 said:
i'm reallllyyyy sorry frogaman. i had no idea what a complete and total badass you are. Ive known some stubborn people but never have i encountered a man that is like a wall! you are hardcore bro. and i'm happy youre so rich. cause thats how yuore helping keep all the auto shops in bizz. and hes not assuming everyone that goes to his site will like the music. he doesnt care.he likes it so he did it. that was my only beef with you. god some people are sooooooo stupid and arrogant.


I have nothing else to say about your 2nd grader level post.

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