If anybody disagrees with your hard right view points you accuse them of being dishonest and full of fallacies.
I don't simply "accuse". I point out specifically what the fallacy is, usually link to the wiki page on that fallacy, and most often give some indication as to why it is fallacious. In short, I make the case as to why the argument is fallacious. They are free to try and counter it and prove that their argument is not fallacious and I am somehow mistaken if they want.
You have even tried to claim that certain arguments of mine are fallacious before, but can never point out any specifics (what the specific fallacy is, or the specific argument I made that is "fallacious"); you can't make the case that my arguments are fallacious. In short, you are the one to simply "throw out that accusation" to mischaracterize my argument and dishonestly marginalize it.
I only ask for honesty, decency and reason, hardly too much to ask. When someone comes in here lacking any of those, I call them on it and/or treat them with the same level of decency (or lack thereof) they extend to others who disagree with them. You have demonstrated countless times in this forum that you can only argue through dishonesty, rudeness and fallacy.
You post this garbage knowing dam well your going to get called on it.
What "garbage"? I have. as always, logically backed up my arguments. You have mischaracterized them and lied about them. But, it seems honesty and reason are "garbage" to someone who only knows dishonesty, lies, irrationality and vindictive anger.
And now all you can do is repeat someone's misplaced idiom to support your obvious smear attempt. "get over yourself"? That isn't even a valid argument because it cannot be disproven.
you're right shag. is that why you excel at it [making arguments that are dishonest and misleading personal attacks]?
There is nothing dishonest about my arguments and you know it.
My arguments never hinge on personal attacks, insults, or rudeness. Those are separate from the argument and are, most often, conclusions I can reasonably draw from the actions and/or positions the person is taking in making the argument as well as past actions and/or arguments on this forum. Those "personal attacks" and/or "insults" are also, usually reasonable observations that are very relevant to the credibility of the person.
For instance, ford nut has repeatedly claimed that I haven't supported my premise in the original argument I was making (though he never says what premise exactly). The original post was never an argument, so ford nut is perpetuating a mishcaracterization started by foxpaws right there. I was pointing out extreme examples of populist rage. In the tag line, I point out that the populist rage is being encouraged by the left. When foxpaws asked for some clarification as to how that populist rage is being encouraged by the left, I spelled out, citing numerous facts, how that populist rage is being encouraged and even effectively created by the left. In the course of debating her, I spelled it out quite a few more times. Ford nut is ignoring all that and claiming that, "there is nothing that supports your premise" when I have shown that support numerous times. Ford nut is therefore lying, as he usually does when he wants to smear me.
You are mischaracterizing to smear me here as well by implying that my arguments are dishonest, misleading personal attacks, which they clearly are not.
Both ford nut and you are petty, dishonest and vindictive people who only distract from and drag down debates here.