Those who live in glass houses...


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Robin Williams Enters Rehab Twelve Days After Ridiculing Rush Limbaugh’s Drug Use

Posted by Noel Sheppard on August 9, 2006 - 16:29.

The National Enquirer reported Wednesday (hat tip to Drudge) that comedian Robin Williams has entered an alcohol rehab on July 11 to try and conquer “a three-year battle with booze that's threatening to destroy his marriage.” Though we certainly wish Williams well, it does seem rather odd that twelve days before he checked into the Hazelden Springbrook rehab facility in Newberg, Oregon, he was on the “Tonight Show” making disparaging remarks about radio host Rush Limbaugh’s problems with painkillers (video to follow).

He and host Jay Leno were discussing Limbaugh's recent run-in with customs agents over Viagra, and Williams quipped:

But he's got kind of a a tradition of doing that, when he used to have his maid be the mule. [ With a Hispanic accent ] "Mr. Limbaugh, I come back with your medication." Where was he staying in the Caribbean, Club Medicated?

For those that are interested, NewsBusters reported this on July 1. Here is the link to that report, which contains a video of the “Tonight Show” segment in question. However, the reader is cautioned that some of Williams’ comments about Limbaugh were rather vulgar.
I watched that segment on Leno with Williams. Williams was pretty funny. But, as usual, lefties always show that they are hypocrites at the end of the day.:(
More Democrat Hypocrisy...

Reprinted from

Thursday, Aug. 17, 2006 6:54 p.m. EDT

O’Reilly Accuses Limbaugh Prosecutor of Cover-up

The prosecutor who vigorously pursued the case against conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has been accused of going easy on a wealthy Democrat accused of sex crimes with kids.

Billionaire Palm Beach financier Jeffrey Epstein, 53, was indicted last month on a charge of felony solicitation of prostitution.

But Palm Beach County Police Chief Michael Reiter wanted Epstein to be charged with the more serious crime of sexual activity with minors.

Florida State Attorney Barry Krischer of Palm Beach County rejected that call – even though police believe Epstein regularly brought girls as young as 14 to his mansion for sex, and they reportedly found pictures of underage girls when they raided his home.

That’s the same Barry Krischer who aggressively went after Limbaugh for allegedly obtaining prescription drugs by doctor shopping.

Though the case was later found to be without merit, and even legitimate cases are typically not even prosecuted, Krischer’s office went on a witch hunt against Limbaugh that lasted several years and included an effort to obtain the popular talk-show hosts private medical records.

The Palm Beach prosecutor’s double standard was exposed this week by Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly, who slammed Krischer for engaging in a cover-up.

In his "Talking Points” this week, O’Reilly described Krischer as having acted with "malice” against Limbaugh. O’Reilly laid the blame on Krischer’s politics, describing him as a "a committed Democrat.”

O’Reilly added that "Chief Reiter believes Krischer is in the tank for Epstein,” a businessman who has donated more than $100,000 to Democratic candidates including Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Charles Schumer.

In fact, Reiter was so disturbed by Krischer’s handling of the case that he fired off a letter to Krischer, calling his actions "highly unusual.” He urged Krischer to disqualify himself from the prosecution of the case, according to The Palm Beach Post.

"Reiter even referred the case to the FBI to determine whether the super-rich, super-connected defendant had violated any federal laws,” the Post reported.

Already backers of Epstein have been smearing the reputation of the police chief and even bringing up details of a "messy” divorce with his wife.

But even the liberal Palm Beach Post reported that the chief has a sterling reputation. The paper reported that colleagues "almost uniformly use one word to describe the chief: professional.”

Reiter is not a newcomer to cases involving Palm Beach’s rich and famous.

He was the lead detective investigating the drug overdose death of David Kennedy in 1984. He also was involved in the probe of William Kennedy Smith, who was charged in 1991, and later acquitted, with raping a woman in Palm Beach.

O’Reilly concluded: "When you examine how much time and effort Krischer put into trying to ruin Rush Limbaugh as opposed to what he’s doing now in the far more serious case of Jeffrey Epstein, many, many questions come to mind and none of those questions reflect well on Barry Krischer.”

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