Three features your LS has that you may not know about


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 4, 2009
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I bought an '01 V8 Sport last week and it came with the Lincoln factory VHS welcome video. Just for grins I popped it in the VCR (I knew I kept that old VCR for some reason!) and found about about some standard features I never knew the LS offered:

1. Speed-adjusted radio volume: Hold down the volume knob for two seconds and a menu comes up offering levels 0-7, with 0 being no speed adjustment. The video recommends starting out on level 3.

2. Automatic windows and sunroof opening/closing: There are two ways to access this feature -
A. Put the key in the driver door lock, turn towards the front of the car to unlock, and hold it in that position. This will trigger all the windows to roll down and the sunroof to open. Doing the opposite (holding the key toward the rear of the car) will close the windows and sunroof.
B. Hold down the unlock button on the remote - this will open everything. The close feature does not work from the remote (liability issues of course).

3. Heated windshield wiper rests: Look at your front window from outside - see those yellow lines at the bottom of glass, directly under the wipers? Those are electric heaters that automatically turn on when the outside temp is below 40 degrees. Keeps the wipers from being frozen to the glass.

No point in responding to brag that you knew about all this. We don't care. I'm sure there are many LS owners like myself who were not aware of these features!
2. Automatic windows and sunroof opening/closing: There are two ways to access this feature -
A. Put the key in the driver door lock, turn towards the front of the car to unlock, and hold it in that position. This will trigger all the windows to roll down and the sunroof to open. Doing the opposite (holding the key toward the rear of the car) will close the windows and sunroof.
B. Hold down the unlock button on the remote - this will open everything. The close feature does not work from the remote (liability issues of course).

I didn't know it would work from the remote, I'll like that this summer for sure!
Here's one that I didn't know about.
My 06 was T-boned at an intersection when the other guy ran the red light. (He not only didn't see the light, but he also didn't see the three lanes of cars stopped at the light. I couldn't see him through the stopped cars. Anyway...)
Fortunately, no one was hurt. As the impact happened, the LS started beeping its horn and flashing the hazard lights. After a few minutes (five or so) of this I started trying to figure out how to stop it, but it stopped on its own.

I've read about newer Lincolns having this feature (The idea is to help someone find you if you are knocked in a ditch or something), but I haven't seen it documented for the LS anywhere.
Holding the station presets 3 and 6 on the radio opens up a test function on the radio. All speakers work one by one so you can troubleshoot which ones do not work.
If the window meets the slightest resistance when rolling up or down it will break the window regulator. This will keep your fingers from being broken if you accidentally have them in the way.
Ironically, an emergency room visit for a broken finger costs less than the dealer replacing the window regulator.
I got out the owner's manual the other day to see what kind of power steering fluid it used and found the same thing in DVD format. One of these days I'll watch it.
I got out the owner's manual the other day to see what kind of power steering fluid it used and found the same thing in DVD format. One of these days I'll watch it.

BTW, Ford has a TSB out saying that it is good/okay to use Mercon V for the power steering. (The owner's manual calls out Mercon.)
If the window meets the slightest resistance when rolling up or down it will break the window regulator.

I had to replace my window regulator on the front passenger side door last summer after using this feature.

Walking out from church on a hot summer morning, I thought I would roll the windows down and let the heat out before getting in the car. Instead, I watched in shock as the window fell down inside the door with a loud crash! Good thing I was leaving church or people would have heard me saying a few ugly things right then. I no longer use this feature - I'm worried it will happen again. I also lock the back windows and don't roll them down after reading how crappy the regulators are and the plastic clips which hold everything in. I only use the two front windows out of fear they will fall apart again... crazy huh? But after reading about all the problem and poor design of these parts... I would rather not take a chance in having part fail again.
I wondered what those yellow lines were for. Nice to know.
I have replace all window regulators and need to replace pasenger front again. two of the windows fell down while driving down the road.
never had a problem when opening remotely.

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