Throttle body


Active LVC Member
May 5, 2020
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About a week ago my throttle body went out so I bought a used one and I work fine for about a day now I have these 3 codes it'll crank up and run really good for about 3 seconds then it goes into etc failsafe mode... I just put new 8 ignition coils and spark plugs p2107
If the vehicle has the original coils (or cheap coils) it would be best to buy new ones. The 3.9 is very finicky about coils as they age.

You could buy one and see if that helps, but that also means that the rest will need replacement at some point.
@#Jeff504lsv8 i had ETC Failsafe problems with my throttlebody. I took that silver electric motor cover off thats attached to it and found those magnets thats glued to the inside of the cover were coming unglued and were sliding down and hitting that electric motor causing my 06 LS problems until they finally binded that motor off and throwed it into ETC Failsafe mode.
Did your still rev up some when that happened? And Did you get the p0352 to ?

Its been so long ago i can not remember if there were any codes. But it seems like when it went into ETC failsafe mode that it wouldn't rev very high and it went into nuetral because i was almost home when it happened and i was able to coast to my driveway. I knew it had to be throttlebody related by the failsafe so i started taking my throttlebody apart to see if i could find what was wrong and sure enough those magnets were loose and hitting that electric motor.
It was making a bunch of noise like it was trying to cycle and I had no throttle at all so I just changed it
It was making a bunch of noise like it was trying to cycle and I had no throttle at all so I just changed it
Ok with the codes you posted if you replaced the throttlebody with a good working unit and double checked all connections and coils are good then it sounds like you're pedal assembly maybe malfunctioning. Thats where i would go next.
The little motor on the throttle body has carbon brushes that will wear out. I used one from a Crown Victoria on the LS and that solved my problem. It is easy to change.

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