Upstairs Chris
Dedicated LVC Member
I agree, I don't think the ticking noise is anything major. Like I said, it's been happening for a while with no increase or decrease in severity and with no impact on driveability whatsoever. If you were deaf, you would never know. The best way I can describe the actual noise, for future searches on this issue, it is very similar to the "tings" you get when the aluminum block is cooling off after you shutdown, except louder, but almost an identical noise. It's not rod knock and shame on M4rk for insinuating such a thing and making me get nausea.
As far as the magnaflow cat situation goes I went back and reread your previous thread you linked about it and am wondering if my leak has progressed and if so, why. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for me when it was first installed sound wise, at least according when I responded to you but now there is definitely one. Makes me wonder what my slightly hillbillyish friends that installed the parts in their shop for me did. Like I said, he mentioned new bolts but I still have the same flanges. Maybe it was a best they could do fix without replacing my flanges. I too have since lowered and scraped a few times, which can't help this situation. I did take it to an exhaust shop later and they did inspect some of the clamps and welded a few spots, they said it was leaking too. The next day I was going to return because not much had changed but the night prior I flashed my ECU with a torrie tune and I suppose because of the timing changes the raspy leak sound was reduced a lot and with the winter approaching I just put the issue aside.
I'll probably take mine back next week and fill them in with everything I learned here. Hopefully I can get this fixed before summer really hits.
As far as the magnaflow cat situation goes I went back and reread your previous thread you linked about it and am wondering if my leak has progressed and if so, why. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary for me when it was first installed sound wise, at least according when I responded to you but now there is definitely one. Makes me wonder what my slightly hillbillyish friends that installed the parts in their shop for me did. Like I said, he mentioned new bolts but I still have the same flanges. Maybe it was a best they could do fix without replacing my flanges. I too have since lowered and scraped a few times, which can't help this situation. I did take it to an exhaust shop later and they did inspect some of the clamps and welded a few spots, they said it was leaking too. The next day I was going to return because not much had changed but the night prior I flashed my ECU with a torrie tune and I suppose because of the timing changes the raspy leak sound was reduced a lot and with the winter approaching I just put the issue aside.
I'll probably take mine back next week and fill them in with everything I learned here. Hopefully I can get this fixed before summer really hits.