TIME-SENSITIVE ISSUE: 2004 LS is Stalling/Burnt Smell/Left Me Stranded!

Wow great troubleshooting seems like mike is a great and this LS will be in good hands

THANKS! Yes, my husband is quite the handy-man!!! He built our home from the foundation up, as well...electric, plumbing, most of the A/C work...virtually all of it. I am one blessed woman, indeed!!!


Well, we've been able to take the LS out for several short-distance outings and since putting in a new cylinder head temperature sensor and cleaning the terribly filthy MAF sensor, the car has been running well and not stalling out at stop lights/signs or while accelerating from a idling position! YAY! It looks as if those two sensors were the bottom-line culprits...especially the cylinder head temperature sensor. When Mike went to clean the MAF it looked totally black inside. He was shocked to find that the sensor was suppose to actually be a "silver" color; it was pretty filthy.

As I stated before, the burnt smell is beginning to fade, so that is a plus.

Mike is going to unplug the battery and reset the engine soon. Hopefully, we are on our way to enjoying the LS on a more frequent basis. I would like to feel secure enough in taking it on an out-of-state trip. We'll see how it goes.

THANKS to everyone who has helped us trouble-shoot the issues!!! Your assistance has been greatly appreciated!!!

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