Tired of Being Lied to? Modern History You Can't Afford to Ignore

It's amazing all the documentation available on this kind of thing, and no one will believe it.

No one will believe because it's too scary.

Think happy thoughts...
I Love what former Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts stated in that article.

"The Bush administration is in violation of the US Constitution, the rule of law, the Geneva Convention, the Nuremberg Standard, and basic humanity. It is a gang of criminals,"

So very true and VERY WELL SAID!
I'm not suprised by this "the end is nigh" op-ed. I was watching the TV show "Prison Break" last night for the first time when something began to bother me.

We live in a world of false perceptions where the jailer, not the convict, is the bad guy. Where the our own government, not the terrorist, is the bad guy. Where the police, not the criminal, are the bad guys. Where the soldier, not the enemy, is the bad guy. I appreciate neither the far left nor the far right but I feel the far left is the one pulling the strings of America today...

I'm sick and tired of people constantly trying to push their BS agenda on me. I'm sick and tired of all the good that is being done in this world being ignored by you people. When I spent my time in the Middle East I would avoid the news. It sickened me that the only thing people care about is how many soldiers die...how many bombs explode. They care nothing for the progress or the lives saved. They only care to fill their insatiable desire for a reason to hate this country and they will gladly use the blood of our sons and daughters to pen thier doctrine. Oh yes...I said the "hate this country" line. Because the woman who wrote this spit of an article is looking for any reason whatsoever to make her radical left wing view become a reality.

But what do I know...I'm just one step away from being the new Gestapo or some crap like that...
FreeFaller said:
I'm not suprised by this "the end is nigh" op-ed. I was watching the TV show "Prison Break" last night for the first time when something began to bother me.

We live in a world of false perceptions where the jailer, not the convict, is the bad guy. Where the our own government, not the terrorist, is the bad guy. Where the police, not the criminal, are the bad guys. Where the soldier, not the enemy, is the bad guy. I appreciate neither the far left nor the far right but I feel the far left is the one pulling the strings of America today...

I'm sick and tired of people constantly trying to push their BS agenda on me. I'm sick and tired of all the good that is being done in this world being ignored by you people. When I spent my time in the Middle East I would avoid the news. It sickened me that the only thing people care about is how many soldiers die...how many bombs explode. They care nothing for the progress or the lives saved. They only care to fill their insatiable desire for a reason to hate this country and they will gladly use the blood of our sons and daughters to pen thier doctrine. Oh yes...I said the "hate this country" line. Because the woman who wrote this spit of an article is looking for any reason whatsoever to make her radical left wing view become a reality.

But what do I know...I'm just one step away from being the new Gestapo or some crap like that...

I can understand where you're coming from. This is some pretty inflammatory information. It's not designed to be the happy part of the news where we show the good the US does around the world. Yes we've had hundreds even thousands of good things accomplished in that same time period, but there's a lot of scary truth in this article. Try reading it without the blinders of 'this is the liberal news media' and you'll be surprised at what you read.
While I believe that keeping an eye on our governing body is a good thing; it is hard to listen to this article when it is full of things like this:

The U.S. invades Grenada. "The reason we gave for the intervention [in Grenada] -- American medical students there--was phony but the reaction of the American people was absolutely and overwhelmingly favorable," Irving Kristol later explains. "They had no idea what was going on, but they backed the president. They always will."

Actually the offical reason was that following a breakdown in civil order, U.S. forces, in conjunction with contingents of the security forces of several neighboring Caribbean states, invaded the independent state of Grenada on October 25 in response to an appeal from the governor general and to a request for assistance from the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States. The mission was to oust the People's Revolutionary Government, to protect U.S. citizens and restore the lawful government.

It was the media who stated that we were there to rescue American Medical students. Then there was the line about there being more propaganda today then in the past...obviously this Ms. Farrell is no history major.
even ignoring the parts that you don't like, there's still a lot of scary stuff.

That is a quote of someone else by the way. Someone who was in power at the time. NOT the opinion of the person writing the article.
Right...but it drives me away from the article. There were alot of good points in there but if she had just stayed in the middle of the road and not muddied it up with her lean to the left if would have had much more weight in my eyes.

It will be really interesting to see part two wherein the years of 92-00 will be. How she handles that era remains to be seen. However if you or Phil would like to post part two when it arises I would appreciate it.
raVeneyes said:
Try reading it without the blinders of 'this is the liberal news media'

Yup, no liberal (and biased) news media. Must be my glasses.

The left is a bunch of A s k h o l e s. Period.

You guys don't need blinders, you're already blind.

MonsterMark said:
Yup, no liberal (and biased) news media. Must be my glasses.

The left is a bunch of A s k h o l e s. Period.

You guys don't need blinders, you're already blind.

Don't forget the Middle also! Because a lot of us don't agree either with the way right!
MonsterMark said:
Yup, no liberal (and biased) news media. Must be my glasses.

The left is a bunch of A s k h o l e s. Period.

You guys don't need blinders, you're already blind.

Are the conservatives/righties that speak out against the Bush admin a bunch of 'askholes' too? Are they blind?
John F. Kennedy is assassinated. Nearly four decades later, scientists prove, with 96.3 percent certainty, that there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll.

Need I say more?
Kennedy was killed because he wanted to withdraw troops from Vietnam in 1963?

This statement alone is so ignorant, so uninformed, and so outrageous-
This woman is dishonest and inerudite. It's disgusting that anyone would reprint this crap and expect it to be taken serious.

That is, assuming the person knew what the hell it was they were reading about. I guess that gives the poster in this thread a pass.

Too many people lack a true understanding of history and the threats we face in this world. They will gladly and eagerly undermine the long term security of this nation for opportunistic political gain, and the pursuit of their failed idealistic notion of foreign policy.

If left to people like this author, the nation would collapse from the inside. Their inability to acknowledge evil and danger, and their desire to obstruct the combat of such things, make each of us more unsafe. Of course, I'm sure an author like Maureen Farell thinks the America is the cause of most of the worlds trouble, and that we are an evil force. In her mind, it's probably good for America to be reshaped in the image of Europe and our power eliminated.

It's been four years. Shouldn't there be a list of civil rights violations by now? Where are they? Who is complaining?

Did any of you catch the story today about the college student, recruited by Al-Queda who was just convicted of plotting to assassinate the President and hijack and aircraft?

Do people not understand that there is a motivated population of Muslim, with a cult member mentality, who will eagerly blow themself up in order to kill your child, girlfriend, wife, family, and friends? And, since we live in such an open society (despite the leftist fearmongering), terrorist attacks are virtually impossible to eliminate?

This linked story is such an awful piece of propoganda, you should be able to see the steam coming off of it. Isn't it also nice to see that nothing at all happened inbetween 1977-1980? Oh, how interesting, those were the years Jimmy Carter were President. I guess the Military cabal took a holiday? FDR and Truman refrences are conviently missing too...

It's amazing how convincing an article may appear to the uninformed when the author has no regard for facts, and doesn't provide any context when she is mentioning something that actually happened.
Calabrio said:
This statement alone is so ignorant, so uninformed, and so outrageous-
This woman is dishonest and inerudite. It's disgusting that anyone would reprint this crap and expect it to be taken serious.
Every piece I have seen on Kennedy indicates only 1 gunman and she states 96.3%? I love to see where she gets her info from. Just another hater to be ignored.
Calabrio said:
[I]Do people not understand that there is a motivated population of Muslim, with a cult member mentality, who will eagerly blow themself up in order to kill your child, girlfriend, wife, family, and friends?[/I] And, since we live in such an open society (despite the leftist fearmongering), terrorist attacks are virtually impossible to eliminate?.

I don't know, that sounds like fearmongering to me and you're definately not a leftist.
95DevilleNS said:
I don't know, that sounds like fearmongering to me and you're definately not a leftist.

FEARMONGERING? What a bunch of hypocrites the left is! Here's your fearmongering:

Oil prices
Global warming
Social Security
Republicans torturing poor innocent terrorists
Economic growth
Bush lied, Bush cronies
Machine Gun Sammy putting automatic weapons back on the street
Soldiers dying in Iraq
SUVs destroying the environment

And I'm not even getting started
What a bunch of :bsflag:
MonsterMark said:
:blah: :why: :slam :drunk:

It would take 2 days to refute that crap. ALL SPECULATIVE at best.

What's really frightening is there are people who know so little of actual history that they believe this is an accurate summation of events. It reminds me of what Mary McCarthy once said of Lillian Hellman: "every word she writes is a lie, including 'and' and 'the'". (Too bad Mary wasn't around to add 'is' to the list ;) )

Secondly, in order to believe the bizzare scenarios presented here you must start from the premise, and believe, that America and Americans are essentialy corrupt and evil. Businesses and businessmen are all corrupt and evil. America is either evil at it's core, or at best, just another country, not morally superior to say, Nazi Germany.

The Left fails to realize we cannot play at their game because we don't share their superstitions. We know that the United States has been a force for good in the world, and we're capable of drawing a distinction between good and evil. We reject the concept of moral equivalence. We understand economics, so we understand that modern capitalism is the fairest means of commerce and most advances the cause of freedom. We know history and have studied it's lessons, so we know that what is presented here is a fool's tapestry, celebrated by fools.
I really must disagree with both of you.

The article thus far has not once made an assertion of it's own, only stating documented things that have happened and been reported on in the news. None of these reports were refuted when they were made.

Though it is not a *complete* representation of history, it does not claim to be, it is doing what it set out to do however in that it is putting together the less well covered factoids of recent history to show some of the things people like to ignore rather than face that our country has actually done.
raVeneyes said:
I really must disagree with both of you.

The article thus far has not once made an assertion of it's own, only stating documented things that have happened and been reported on in the news. None of these reports were refuted when they were made.

Though it is not a *complete* representation of history, it does not claim to be, it is doing what it set out to do however in that it is putting together the less well covered factoids of recent history to show some of the things people like to ignore rather than face that our country has actually done.


1. The article makes assertions in every paragraph. These are not facts being presented, these are left-wing opinions. The author doesn't just state what happened, she tells you what the left says it means. That's opinion.

2. These are not things that "happened". These are events viewed through, and distorted by, a prism of hatred. See no. 1.

3. Every assertion in here has been refuted, countless times. Let me cite just one example, where the article refers to the Downing Street memo, and claims that the memo proves the hysterical conspiracy being espoused. The Downing Street memo proved NOTHING. It was a meaningless assertion of an unknown observer who claimed to know what the other people in the room were thinking. It was disavowed by all the particpants of the meeting it purports to represent.

4. This isn't an incomplete representation of history, it isn't a representation of history at all. It is a representation of conspiracy mongering.

5. "Face what our country actually has done?" Thanks for proving my point of what beliefs you must bring to the table in order to accept this fantasy.
RB3 said:
5. "Face what our country actually has done?" Thanks for proving my point of what beliefs you must bring to the table in order to accept this fantasy.

I didn't say "Face what our country actually has done" I said face that our country has actually done some bad things.

*Sigh*...thanks for shedding light on the beliefs required to blindly argue against anything that might make us look bad.
raVeneyes said:
I didn't say "Face what our country actually has done" I said face that our country has actually done some bad things.

*Sigh*...thanks for shedding light on the beliefs required to blindly argue against anything that might make us look bad.

Go back and read what you posted. Oops...my bad. I corrected your grammer without realizing I'd done it. But you added "some bad things" which doesn't appear in your original post.

You'll never get it. People who know history and economics are not arguing "blindly."
raVeneyes said:
I really must disagree with both of you.

The article thus far has not once made an assertion of it's own

I haven't read the second half, but did you miss the part that said 96.3% certainty of a second Kennedy shooter? Or the implication that Kennedy was killed because, according to this propogandist, he wanted to remove troops from Vietnam.

And you're saying that's honest and she's not making any assertions of her of own?

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