I did some more research on the subject and I found this. This is all stuff you should know too.
Know Thy Enemy: Halliburton
by Frank J.
As we all know from the media, Cheney serves his master the corporation Halliburton, the most evil corporation there is. Thus I sent my crack research staff to find out all they can about Halliburton, and I even checked out the FactCheck.org site Cheney mentioned (my sister was the first one to tell me about that site; good silly sister). Here are the goods:
* Halliburton gets its name from the last name of Lucifer Halliburton, prince of darkness.
* Halliburton the corporation was founded right after Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise and soon got a sole-source contract for building their house.
* The cross Christ was crucified on - all Halliburton. They had sole-source on that for the Romans.
* During the Dark Ages, Halliburton labored long and hard to find a way to pollute the world using the technology available, but ended up on just causing the crusades since they had the sole-source on chain mail and the pope was a former CEO of theirs.
* While Andrew Jackson was president, Halliburton was able to get a contract to randomly destroy forest and kill woodland creatures for no particular reason.
* In the 80's, Halliburton researched how to turn puppies into nuclear waste that they could then put in the water of school children.
* After Cheney became CEO, Halliburton made money by bulldozing orphanages in third world countries to make chemical weapons plants to use on kittens.
* Some are confused exactly what business Halliburton does. Its main products are pollution, hatred, death, and lawn furniture.
* Remember when you didn't get that toy you wanted for Christmas? It was because of Halliburton!
* In Iraq, Halliburton has a couple people instructed to bang a hammer against pieces of wood to pretend they're constructing something while the rest of the employees work on stealing all that sweet, sweet oil.
* Halliburton saves money on labor by using slave labor. They save money on slave drivers by just giving whips to angry gorillas.
* Know who canceled the original Star Trek? Halliburton!
* Halliburton contractors in Iraq have been instructed to strap Iraqi children to themselves to protect themselves from bullets.
* Halliburton holds the patents on strife, suffering, genocide, and pure evil.
* Despite seemingly cutting contact with Halliburton and its profits, Cheney gets a dollar from Halliburton each time an innocent civilian in Iraq is killed.
* In a fight between Aquaman and Halliburton, Aquaman would be bribed with a cushy job to not tell the press how Halliburton is dumping waste in the ocean (hey, the ocean is two thirds of the earth; where else are you supposed to dump waste?).
* In the movie Planet of the Apes, know who blew up the Statue of Liberty? Halliburton!
* Reliable polemic, government-controlled newspapers in the Middle East say that not only is Halliburton part of the Great Satan, it's also run by jooooos!
* Halliburton has gotten its pollution so efficient, it soon should be able to produce pure pollution without any commercial byproduct.
* Halliburton has done business with America's sworn enemies such as Libya, Iran, and France.
* It's in the Halliburton mission statement to put evil and the customer before profit.