Tired of Being Lied to? Modern History You Can't Afford to Ignore

I love her style of 'cause and effect' reporting whereas one finds and documents anything that can be construed to be negative. Then you place all these 'facts' on a giant board. Then one goes about 'linking' item to item to generate a convincing accusation. Sorry, historical events don't happen that way.
Take for example her 1st paragraph in Part II ~

In Sept.1990, five months after Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait, the White House claims that satellite images prove that Iraqi troops are gathering at the Saudi border. The St. Petersburg Times acquires two commercial Soviet satellite images from the same vicinity, during the same time period, and discovers miles of empty desert. "It was a pretty serious fib," journalist Jean Heller says. "That [Iraqi buildup] was the whole justification for Bush sending troops in there, and it just didn't exist."

Why didn't she start at Day 1, instead of 5 months later.

Here is a much more believeable timeline....

A day-by-day accounting of 1990-1991;events in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
The Gulf War: A Chronology


July 17, 1990 In televised speech, Saddam Hussein warns he will attack Kuwait if his demands are not met regarding (1) old border dispute, (2) decrease in Kuwaiti oil production, (3) reduction in Kuwait's share of oil from Rumaila oil field, which extends under Iraqi territory. [snip]

At least she mentions that Saddam started it by INVADING Kuwait.
"Clearly the 1991 war in Iraq was a lie because Pravda West, the ST. Pete Times ran a commercial satelite photo that didn't show a troop build up... And since no other evidence apparently exist, this must be true and uncontested. Therefor I conclude, that the first war was a lie, the second war was a lie, and all Republican are war mongering liars.

And Bill Clinton was a saint."
I did some more research on the subject and I found this. This is all stuff you should know too.

Know Thy Enemy: Halliburton
by Frank J.

As we all know from the media, Cheney serves his master the corporation Halliburton, the most evil corporation there is. Thus I sent my crack research staff to find out all they can about Halliburton, and I even checked out the FactCheck.org site Cheney mentioned (my sister was the first one to tell me about that site; good silly sister). Here are the goods:


* Halliburton gets its name from the last name of Lucifer Halliburton, prince of darkness.

* Halliburton the corporation was founded right after Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise and soon got a sole-source contract for building their house.

* The cross Christ was crucified on - all Halliburton. They had sole-source on that for the Romans.

* During the Dark Ages, Halliburton labored long and hard to find a way to pollute the world using the technology available, but ended up on just causing the crusades since they had the sole-source on chain mail and the pope was a former CEO of theirs.

* While Andrew Jackson was president, Halliburton was able to get a contract to randomly destroy forest and kill woodland creatures for no particular reason.

* In the 80's, Halliburton researched how to turn puppies into nuclear waste that they could then put in the water of school children.

* After Cheney became CEO, Halliburton made money by bulldozing orphanages in third world countries to make chemical weapons plants to use on kittens.

* Some are confused exactly what business Halliburton does. Its main products are pollution, hatred, death, and lawn furniture.

* Remember when you didn't get that toy you wanted for Christmas? It was because of Halliburton!

* In Iraq, Halliburton has a couple people instructed to bang a hammer against pieces of wood to pretend they're constructing something while the rest of the employees work on stealing all that sweet, sweet oil.

* Halliburton saves money on labor by using slave labor. They save money on slave drivers by just giving whips to angry gorillas.

* Know who canceled the original Star Trek? Halliburton!

* Halliburton contractors in Iraq have been instructed to strap Iraqi children to themselves to protect themselves from bullets.

* Halliburton holds the patents on strife, suffering, genocide, and pure evil.

* Despite seemingly cutting contact with Halliburton and its profits, Cheney gets a dollar from Halliburton each time an innocent civilian in Iraq is killed.

* In a fight between Aquaman and Halliburton, Aquaman would be bribed with a cushy job to not tell the press how Halliburton is dumping waste in the ocean (hey, the ocean is two thirds of the earth; where else are you supposed to dump waste?).

* In the movie Planet of the Apes, know who blew up the Statue of Liberty? Halliburton!

* Reliable polemic, government-controlled newspapers in the Middle East say that not only is Halliburton part of the Great Satan, it's also run by jooooos!

* Halliburton has gotten its pollution so efficient, it soon should be able to produce pure pollution without any commercial byproduct.

* Halliburton has done business with America's sworn enemies such as Libya, Iran, and France.

* It's in the Halliburton mission statement to put evil and the customer before profit.
Calabrio said:
* It's in the Halliburton mission statement to put evil and the customer before profit.

Shouldn't it be evil and profit before the customer? There would definately be more evil in that.
Know Thy Enemy: Halliburton


That was priceless. But Phil will be reposting it next week as fact. ;)
95DevilleNS said:
Shouldn't it be evil and profit before the customer? There would definately be more evil in that.

No, profit is an after thought. Evil for their Republican customers is the priority.
MonsterMark said:
Take for example her 1st paragraph in Part II ~

In Sept.1990, five months after Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait, the White House claims that satellite images prove that Iraqi troops are gathering at the Saudi border. The St. Petersburg Times acquires two commercial Soviet satellite images from the same vicinity, during the same time period, and discovers miles of empty desert. "It was a pretty serious fib," journalist Jean Heller says. "That [Iraqi buildup] was the whole justification for Bush sending troops in there, and it just didn't exist."

Why didn't she start at Day 1, instead of 5 months later.

Here is a much more believeable timeline....

A day-by-day accounting of 1990-1991;events in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
The Gulf War: A Chronology


July 17, 1990 In televised speech, Saddam Hussein warns he will attack Kuwait if his demands are not met regarding (1) old border dispute, (2) decrease in Kuwaiti oil production, (3) reduction in Kuwait's share of oil from Rumaila oil field, which extends under Iraqi territory. [snip]

At least she mentions that Saddam started it by INVADING Kuwait.

Yea, I was unclear on why we should place more credence on that satellite photo then the actual invasion. But there is so much rubbish in that article you scarcely know where to begin.

And it's a beautiful day in Georgia, so I took the '61 Lincoln convertible out for a top down spin instead. :cool:
Calabrio said:
I did some more research on the subject and I found this. This is all stuff you should know too.

Know Thy Enemy: Halliburton
by Frank J.

As we all know from the media, Cheney serves his master the corporation Halliburton, the most evil corporation there is. Thus I sent my crack research staff to find out all they can about Halliburton, and I even checked out the FactCheck.org site Cheney mentioned (my sister was the first one to tell me about that site; good silly sister). Here are the goods:


* Halliburton gets its name from the last name of Lucifer Halliburton, prince of darkness.

* Halliburton the corporation was founded right after Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise and soon got a sole-source contract for building their house.

* The cross Christ was crucified on - all Halliburton. They had sole-source on that for the Romans.

* During the Dark Ages, Halliburton labored long and hard to find a way to pollute the world using the technology available, but ended up on just causing the crusades since they had the sole-source on chain mail and the pope was a former CEO of theirs.

* While Andrew Jackson was president, Halliburton was able to get a contract to randomly destroy forest and kill woodland creatures for no particular reason.

* In the 80's, Halliburton researched how to turn puppies into nuclear waste that they could then put in the water of school children.

* After Cheney became CEO, Halliburton made money by bulldozing orphanages in third world countries to make chemical weapons plants to use on kittens.

* Some are confused exactly what business Halliburton does. Its main products are pollution, hatred, death, and lawn furniture.

* Remember when you didn't get that toy you wanted for Christmas? It was because of Halliburton!

* In Iraq, Halliburton has a couple people instructed to bang a hammer against pieces of wood to pretend they're constructing something while the rest of the employees work on stealing all that sweet, sweet oil.

* Halliburton saves money on labor by using slave labor. They save money on slave drivers by just giving whips to angry gorillas.

* Know who canceled the original Star Trek? Halliburton!

* Halliburton contractors in Iraq have been instructed to strap Iraqi children to themselves to protect themselves from bullets.

* Halliburton holds the patents on strife, suffering, genocide, and pure evil.

* Despite seemingly cutting contact with Halliburton and its profits, Cheney gets a dollar from Halliburton each time an innocent civilian in Iraq is killed.

* In a fight between Aquaman and Halliburton, Aquaman would be bribed with a cushy job to not tell the press how Halliburton is dumping waste in the ocean (hey, the ocean is two thirds of the earth; where else are you supposed to dump waste?).

* In the movie Planet of the Apes, know who blew up the Statue of Liberty? Halliburton!

* Reliable polemic, government-controlled newspapers in the Middle East say that not only is Halliburton part of the Great Satan, it's also run by jooooos!

* Halliburton has gotten its pollution so efficient, it soon should be able to produce pure pollution without any commercial byproduct.

* Halliburton has done business with America's sworn enemies such as Libya, Iran, and France.

* It's in the Halliburton mission statement to put evil and the customer before profit.

Dude that was hilarious.

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