New LVC Member
Get rid of your LS, trust me. I bought my LS from an elderly couple and it had been serviced every 4k miles. It had 80k miles on it. From 80k miles onto 88k I probably put 3 grand in repairs. They constantly need coil changes, valve cover changes, which those two alone can run you in thousands if you don't do it your self. I sold my ls for 2 grand under market value. Because I was so tired of it. I am now a proud owner of one of the most reliable cars in the world. A 2005 Toyota corolla. I had a valve issue and it only cost me 80 bucks. Other then that this car is perfect and. Will easily break 300k miles. My advice yall. Ditch Lincoln and go foriegn. Honda Nissan, Toyota. Much more reliable. But if you can afford luxury mateneince have fun with this disaster. Peace out forums