To all LS Owners

IMG_20130526_042724.jpgThis is awesome a toaster lol yeah I agree my toaster is more exciting it pops love my 01 ls with 200km on it have a binder of all work done and coils have been done 2 times good for an old car

I rented a Crayolla for one day for my job. My impressions? Zero power I mean zero. The car was dangerously underpowered on the highway. In town it was okay. The cars suspension felt like it was full of concrete or the body was welded to the wheels.
Get rid of your LS, trust me. I bought my LS from an elderly couple and it had been serviced every 4k miles. It had 80k miles on it. From 80k miles onto 88k I probably put 3 grand in repairs. They constantly need coil changes, valve cover changes, which those two alone can run you in thousands if you don't do it your self. I sold my ls for 2 grand under market value. Because I was so tired of it. I am now a proud owner of one of the most reliable cars in the world. A 2005 Toyota corolla. I had a valve issue and it only cost me 80 bucks. Other then that this car is perfect and. Will easily break 300k miles. My advice yall. Ditch Lincoln and go foriegn. Honda Nissan, Toyota. Much more reliable. But if you can afford luxury mateneince have fun with this disaster. Peace out forums :)

Well, I need a valve job on my 03 LS and I will have it done,but there is no way in hell I would a Toyota to replace it! I wish I would have known you were selling that LS I may have took it off your hands. But keep on supporting foreign automakers maybe you can work for them as well! I BUY American because I am a Teamster and I support our country!!!!
Well, I need a valve job on my 03 LS and I will have it done,but there is no way in hell I would a Toyota to replace it! I wish I would have known you were selling that LS I may have took it off your hands. But keep on supporting foreign automakers maybe you can work for them as well! I BUY American because I am a Teamster and I support our country!!!!

Don't listen to that dumbass bro, he obviously knows Crap about cars.

If I could I'd jump on a LS all day

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Well, I need a valve job on my 03 LS and I will have it done,but there is no way in hell I would a Toyota to replace it! I wish I would have known you were selling that LS I may have took it off your hands. But keep on supporting foreign automakers maybe you can work for them as well! I BUY American because I am a Teamster and I support our country!!!!

Valve job? What the heck. How many miles do you have?
Sometimes it smokes when I start it up and really smokes when I punch it. I think the previous owner didn't take very good care of it. Its almost perfect inside and out.
Sometimes it smokes when I start it up and really smokes when I punch it. I think the previous owner didn't take very good care of it. Its almost perfect inside and out.
Is it cold when this happens? Probably just moisture in the exhaust. If it was something internal it would probably happen all the time.
I love my LS and it's twin, my 2003 TBird. Fast, good handlers (especially the LS), decent gas mileage.....

But, I think that there will come a time, sooner than later, when they become "mechanically challenged" dollar-wise.

Better or worse than other cars?

Don't know.
It was a steering bar the split in half. Thank god it happened in our driveway.

I had a Ford 4WD full size truck that had the input shaft to the steering gear box break on me turning into a business. I had no control what so ever at that point, steering wheel just spun around freely. I rolled through the parking lot and off into the grass, did not hit anything. If that had happened on the interstate, I would have been on the news.
You bought the first generation model of a 12 year old car, that apparently by the miles, did a lot of sitting. Coils in the thousands? I bought the coils, plugs, and a ****ing mechanic's tool set to do it for under $500.

Hey man, have fun with your corolla. Those are about as exciting as a toaster.

My toaster cooks four pop tarts at once, it displays the time in cobalt illumination as well. Don't name drop on toasters..
Yeah smokes but every time I start it. Plus it smokes really bad when I take off hard
Replacement engine time. Sounds pretty strange. Get a compression test done.
Yes I was going do that too. Trying to keep the cost down. Probably drive it till it goes and do a complete engine replacement.
All cars s!@# but the LS is kind worst than most. But they are so FUUUUNNNNNN when they are Right.

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