To the RIGHT SIDED people in here.

95DevilleNS said:
blah blah blah...sticks and stones...blah blah blah...personal attacks...blah blah blah...

Liberal name-calling: It's fan-tastic!
fossten said:
Liberal name-calling: It's fan-tastic!

And you were the first to call 95DevilleNS a Communist. I guess that would make fossten a Fascist then.

Standard attack: 95DevilleNS, you godless commie. Why do you hate America?
In fact, it was my name sullied by David's rant. Also, in fact, he did apoligize for it coming off as a personal attack. Whether his apology is real or not remains to be seen. When he doesn't spew his form of hate he's a very articulate debater.

I also respect some of the new talent on the board. On both sides. Less personal would be better.
captainalias said:
And you were the first to call 95DevilleNS a Communist. I guess that would make fossten a Fascist then.

Standard attack: 95DevilleNS, you godless commie. Why do you hate America?

Ummm...WRONG. I never called anyone a communist. I might have said they sound like a communist, or their words sounded communistic, but I never said "You're a communist" - unlike DeVille, who said,

"What asinine things to say. You really are a jerk, I am convinced of it now."

Big difference. You people attack the person, I attack the issue or idea.

Once again, your attempt at equivocation fails.
fossten said:
Ummm...WRONG. I never called anyone a communist. I might have said they sound like a communist, or their words sounded communistic, but I never said "You're a communist" - unlike DeVille, who said,

"What asinine things to say. You really are a jerk, I am convinced of it now."

Big difference. You people attack the person, I attack the issue or idea.

Once again, your attempt at equivocation fails.

"You sound like a socialist/communist advocate, or at least an anti-capitalist"

So if I said, 'you sound like a conservative jerk', I'm not really calling you a jerk, but simply saying your ideas are jerky? By saying 'HE sounds like', you are attacking the person. if you had said, 'some of those tenets are similarly shared by socialism, that would be different.'

Stop skirting the issue.
Ignoring those who would like to make the rules to suit them, I would like to invite Bryan or Joey to delete any post of mine that they deem unfit for publication.

Beyond that, I rest my case.
The only positive about the Clinton administration was inability to get anything done.

What he did on his own initiative tended to fail. But fortunately, he did very little. He was paralyzed by polls, a lack of political will, and later, an opposition party in the Congress. Fortunate for him, he was able to take the helm during a period of percieved calm. And, instead of acting like an ant, Clinton was the grasshopper in the old fable.

A Hillary administration will be considerably worse. I would expect her to actively attempt to advance some of the nonsense Clinton only gave lipservice too. Clinton appeared to be more of a politician, perpetuating his own status, Hillary is more ideolgoical.
Calabrio said:
The only positive about the Clinton administration was inability to get anything done.

What he did on his own initiative tended to fail. But fortunately, he did very little. He was paralyzed by polls, a lack of political will, and later, an opposition party in the Congress. Fortunate for him, he was able to take the helm during a period of percieved calm. And, instead of acting like an ant, Clinton was the grasshopper in the old fable.

A Hillary administration will be considerably worse. I would expect her to actively attempt to advance some of the nonsense Clinton only gave lipservice too. Clinton appeared to be more of a politician, perpetuating his own status, Hillary is more ideolgoical.

Hillary would be horrible, but just as bad as Bush. Hey, I voted for Bob Dole, so don't blame me.
fossten said:
Liberal name-calling: It's fan-tastic!

You're funny; you shoot the first shot then blame me for it. There are several post which proves this, I posted one that clearly showed you being 'offended by a personal attack' from JohnnyBz00LS then you turn around and do it to me in basically the exact same manor. But it's ok, I understand. No worries.

Conservative hypocrisy: It's Fantastic!
Despite the deplorable attempts by your Fib leaders' and your left-wing media's attempts to destroy President Bush, he will be remembered much more positively in history than your precious Slick Willie. Of course, that isn't saying much, since already every President we've ever had, including Nixon, is revered more even now.

are you forgetting that nixon is the only president to resign? ass.

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