Active LVC Member
Mac98SHO said:I would really research your warranty, and do a little more arguing. I think most (well at least mine), will cover the motor, that includes all seals. Read very carefully.
My question is, If read this post right they replaced the valve covers???
Hope you can get it all sorted out.
the warranty i have is one from the acura dealer where i bought the car. it was a misprint in the paper but they gave it to us anyway. i know under the parts covered, it says that the valve covers are under warranty only if one of the other covered parts failed. the gaskets and sealed are covered only on the other parts that are covered under the warranty. the whole thing is worded (sp?) very confusing which is obviously done like that on purpose.
and yeah, they said they were going to replace them and that they didn't have them in stock.
at this point i'm stuck. i need the car back as soon as possible and i already talked to my parents and they said the same thing about just let them fix it and get it over with.
eeprete said:Back on topic, $1800 seems a bit excessive, however I would ask for a cost breakdown of labor and parts. If the labor is that excessive, find a local mechanic that won't charge as much hourly.
i'm going to try even though its too late now. I need the car as soon as possible with school and i was in the middle of looking at a college when we got the phone call. At this point i'm stuck paying the price, but at least i should be getting a car that is running much better and the satisfaction of knowing that if they screwed it up then they'll have to fix it. And i want to start getting into cars for times like this, but i just don't feel this is the right time to start. i would much rather help out a friend a few times who knows what he's doing just so i can get some basic knowledge before i start working on a car by myself.