Tracing device triggers backlash from gun industry

I guess you're not familiar with the term 'microcosm.'

Do you know how much guns cost in the sixties?

Microcosm is defined as a small world and perhaps you could say Kalifornia is a microcosm of liberalism but I don't see the connection to your previous statement:

Keep this up, and there won't be any private sector left

countries with strict gun controls where only the police have firearms have not lost their private sectors.

government policies may hinder some free enterprise but also create opportunities for new business.

In my own case :) :D , based on a recent court decision, Kalifornia despite being "broke" just decided to spend another billion(!) dollars(over 30 years) for better wheelchair access on 2500 miles of government roads and sidewalks.

I think your fears are overblown.
Someone will step up to the plate on this gun tracing thing and it will spread over time to the rest of the country.

I have no idea what guns cost in the 60's adjusted for inflation and cost of living.
As a gun enthusiast enlighten me.

You keep grinding away a few thousands of an inch and see what happens when you grind it down a bit too much.

Primers have to be struck pretty hard and deep to go off.

As far as cleaning that 1911 so much? Eh. Not everyone has heard of pistols that will go through 5000 rounds before they really need a cleaning. ;)

Then again... what do I know about firearms?

I don't know what you know about firearms. And I believe that you and I are pretty much on the same page. That said, my whole point is that the first couple of thousandths would remove the microscopic markings on the tip of any firing pin so equipped. The purpose of the stoning/polishing mentioned above is to slightly alter the tooling marks that could be used in any forensic examination. And it's not necessary to do such work when routine cleaning is in order. It's only necessary when you've left brass behind after some sort of 'incident'. :shifty: That's the only time a forensic study is likely! And unless someone were to be in the habit of 'shooting in anger' on a very regular basis, and recognizing that any stoning/polishing could be done several times before any replacement would be necessary due to wear, it's unlikely to ever become a problem. In that unlikely event, the barrel, pin, and extractor of a 1911 are all readily replaced without any gunsmithing at all. The ejector is a little harder to do, but not prohibitive. And I can't imagine wearing out a standing breech by polishing.
I don't know what you know about firearms.

I read a pamphlet on revolvers once, and I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express twice.

And I believe that you and I are pretty much on the same page. That said, my whole point is that the first couple of thousandths would remove the microscopic markings on the tip of any firing pin so equipped.

Agreed. Problem is, the anti gun lunatics would make sure that tolerances were such that if the numbers were removed off the pin, the pin would become too short to properly strike the primer.

The purpose of the stoning/polishing mentioned above is to slightly alter the tooling marks that could be used in any forensic examination. And it's not necessary to do such work when routine cleaning is in order. It's only necessary when you've left brass behind after some sort of 'incident'.

Three words... Throw Away Gun. ;) Or so I read somewhere, once.

That's the only time a forensic study is likely! And unless someone were to be in the habit of 'shooting in anger' on a very regular basis, and recognizing that any stoning/polishing could be done several times before any replacement would be necessary due to wear, it's unlikely to ever become a problem. In that unlikely event, the barrel, pin, and extractor of a 1911 are all readily replaced without any gunsmithing at all. The ejector is a little harder to do, but not prohibitive. And I can't imagine wearing out a standing breech by polishing.

If you must use one illegally, get a throw away gun... wait... I already said that. I'm not suggesting anyone do such things.
or just put it in a zip lock bag when you use it to catch the casings. Then run a standard box of finishing rounds thru it to change the barrel stryations.

Not that I thought this over or anything.
The point of the last two posts is that this microstamping won't solve any more crimes than the Brady Bill did.
countries with strict gun controls where only the police have firearms have not lost their private sectors.

government policies may hinder some free enterprise but also create opportunities for new business.

In my own case :) :D , based on a recent court decision, Kalifornia despite being "broke" just decided to spend another billion(!) dollars(over 30 years) for better wheelchair access on 2500 miles of government roads and sidewalks.

I think your fears are overblown.
Think so?

California hoist with own petard on Porkulus spending
posted at 2:20 pm on January 5, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

In today’s Someone Left The Irony On Department, we have the failed state of California and its desperate need to use federal Porkulus money getting tripped up by the very bureaucracy that has caused the Golden State to teeter into bankruptcy. California can’t start dozens of stimulus-funded construction projects because the myriad agencies that have to approve such efforts don’t have the resources to review the paperwork:

Dozens of construction projects funded with federal stimulus money are being delayed in California because the office that oversees historic preservation is overwhelmed with applications, the state’s stimulus watchdog said Monday. …

The state Office of Historic Preservation, an entity of the National Park Service that is an administrative unit of the state Department of Parks and Recreation, is just one of many agencies that must sign off on construction projects before they can begin.

For example, if an alternative energy company is proposing a solar project, the office must make sure the land does not include Native-American artifacts. Similarly, modifying a building that is a registered historic landmark cannot undermine its architecturally significant features.

Chick said many of the delayed projects are small, such as installing a new heating and air conditioning unit. Others are larger infrastructure projects, from a Highway 101 bypass in Mendocino County to rehabilitation of the Pasadena Civic Center, according to lists provided by the inspector general’s office.

At stake is $12 billion in project funding, money the state desperately needs in its financial extremity. It won’t balance the budget — these are ot the block grants that allowed California to pretend for another year that it didn’t need to change its ways — but the money would allow the state to avoid paying for its own infrastructure improvements, and will employ some people for short periods of time, putting a dent in benefits expenditures. California needs that and the income-tax revenue more than most other states as it looks at yet another budget gap running into the tens of billions of dollars.

Consider this … karma. California has the problems it does because of an overly-regulated business climate and top-heavy bureaucracies that throw mountains of red tape at its citizens. If the state has this much trouble getting permits and approvals for its own projects, just imagine what private industry business have to do to make use of their own property. Actually, one does not have to imagine it at all. Just take a look at what has happened to California’s economy as legislators engross themselves in critical issues like creating a new regulatory environment for cow tails in the middle of an economic and budgetary crisis.

Maybe California should think about dismantling its regulatory regime. Not only would that mean more efficient processing of Porkulus projects, but it would also have a salutary effect on actually stimulating the state economy. That way, California wouldn’t need to beg the rest of the nation for charity.
Actually I mostly agree with you that there are too many busybodies sticking their noses into things that are really none of their business.

I especially have a pet peeve about "historical" societies.

To me calling something only a few hundred years old historic is the height of conceit.
It runs contrary to the way of things.

dust to dust, ashes to ashes.

If a building is old and used up it's time for it to go and be replaced with something new and useful.

Here in Buffalo we have an ugly looking old hotel in the downtown called the Statler that is crumbling and dropping stone onto the street.

The thing is finished and it's time for it to go.
Now perhaps if it was extraordinarily beautiful there might be a good reason for saving it but historical significance in being old and from another era is in and of itself not(IMO) a valid argument.

Something historic regarding the nation is a different story but that is almost never the case.

If these historical societies want to save old junk then they should buy it with their own funds and not cajole the rest of the indifferent public into paying for their aggrandizement.

The ADA regulations brought in by Bush Sr have made me a rich man but at least these things help the less fortunate who don't even have the luxury of free movement in our society.

There is a difference between providing something that actually helps people and just vicarious vanity.

Like you I feel a certain schadefreude seeing these guys tripping themselves up with their own serious silliness.
Well then enough said about that.

Some government regulations are the side my bread is buttered on but I suppose it is crass of me to bring it up arguing about the bigger picture.

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