Trailer hitch for 2003 Lincoln LS


LVC Member
Jan 9, 2008
Reaction score
Staten Island
Hey guys, anyone know where I can get a Trailer hitch for 2003 Lincoln LS? If anyone has one they want to sell or possibly trade for a grill or something let me know!
technically that's not what the first part of your question asked. you said "where" not "who"
I love how people seem to think they are all grammar experts when writing online.

Writing online or in real life, proper grammar matters. Was your steak well done or done well? If the grammar is bad enough I can't read the post so have no idea if I can be of help.
Ha, im not sure how pointing that out makes me a grammar expert. You asked a specific question, it was answered.

But hey, GL with the hitch search...
i've got one on my 04 that i never use. bought the car from my dads neighbor who had bought it new in 2004. only bad things is the way the hitch sits under the bumper, it pushes up the plastic non painted molding. Im at work right now but i can take a picture this evening and post it up so you can see what im talking about it. i believe its a 1 inch receiver
Thanks bright light. I was asking if someone had one they wanted to sell.

first off, I'm not too worried about your grammar, however you clearly asked if any one knew where you could get a hitch. I proceeded to show you exactly how I ended up finding one for my first LS. then you requested to be notified if anybody had one to sell or trade, Since I did not, I only gave you the answer to the question you asked.

I guess its my fault I read the words you typed instead of guessing what you meant by them...
Hey guys, anyone know where I can get a Trailer hitch for 2003 Lincoln LS?

hmm, grammar be damned, this sounds like someone wanting to know where to find a trailer hitch...

ask for help, then get mad/disrespectful when you don't like the answer..../sigh, so sad this is the way of the world.
first off, I'm not too worried about your grammar, however you clearly asked if any one knew where you could get a hitch. I proceeded to show you exactly how I ended up finding one for my first LS. then you requested to be notified if anybody had one to sell or trade, Since I did not, I only gave you the answer to the question you asked.

I guess its my fault I read the words you typed instead of guessing what you meant by them...


Oh hey look this thread ended up just like every other new thread on here..

someone asks a question and gets bitched at for not searching for 40 days and nights first :V
I didn't bitch at him for not searching,
I actually did all of the hard work for him and not only searched for him so he wouldn't have to, I also showed him how he could do the search on his own if he would like.

looking back now, not one person bitched for not searching, one person searched and found another thread for him, and one person wished him luck on his search. not really sure when that became bitching.
I've bought two at U-Haul, not sure if they carry them any longer. Price was affordable and reasonable, Just a shred over $140 or so.
I was trying to find a cheaper alternative as opposed to purchasing a new one for >$150 plus the basket I need. My bad, I was under the impression this forum was for LS owners to help each other out. I was hoping someone had an old one they were looking to get rid of as opposed to collecting dust, as I would with any extra parts I have laying around. I'm glad nit-picking my every word makes you feel good about yourself. You can all bitch all you want, doesn't bother me much at all. Thanks to the others who actually provided some real responses.
Ah, its another "the world owes me everything" member! who was the last one that was like that, I cant remember his name???
Actually he has a point. The folks on this board are pretty rough on new members. Almost seems like frat pledge hazing or something.
New members???? He's been here longer then me! Compaired to how most forums operate and the content they have... ill take being a new member here anyday.
Actually he has a point. The folks on this board are pretty rough on new members. Almost seems like frat pledge hazing or something.

there are some new members that I have actually been surprised when they actually know for a forum works, and i thank them for that, most new members dont bother to search for anything, they dont bother to read through the first page of threads let alone a couple of pages, they just sign up and asked a simple question that has been covered a bunch of time because they need to be spoon fed, get the answer they wanted and then never return.

its kinds like raising kids, if you let them get away with everything when they are young/new, you will pay for it later... however if you keep them inline, then they are much more likely to become contributing members. its better to rub their face in it like a dog that just pissed the rug, so they can learn the proper way to get the help they need

as far as new members getting their sh!t jumper every time they dont search, most of them will say, "is it really that hard to just tell us again if you know the answer" and in actuality, every worthless duplicate thread clogs up the search results and makes it even harder for us to search through to find the good thread to share with the new people. they are actually only hurting themselves in the long run. also the smartest people who the subject the best, will get tired of always typing out long response over and over again, sooner or later they will just stop responding at all and then your going to get half right answers from people who have only heard second hand, is that really the help you want to get.

the worst thing a new member could do, it creat a thread asking a question that has been well covered in one of the stickys, the best thing a new person could do if at least read through the stickys, find the one that pertains to them (no one ever gets their sh!t jumped for asking a question that never comes up) and if they are un-clear about something they read or their question wasn't fully answered, then they should ask it there instead of creating a new one. that way they actually help out to make that thread even more complete and better for the next person.
no no no, he wants you to sell it to him he doesn't want to know where to buy one. Don't ask me how that is supposed to make sense to anyone

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