tranny flush


Active LVC Member
Jan 11, 2007
Reaction score
Green Bay
i just recently got my tranny flushed. i do it once every couple of years or so. i noticed that the tranny wanst shifting right, so i brought it back to the place where i got it done. i started asking questions, as to what kind of fluid did you use and how much did you put in. they could only answer 1 of the questions(what kind of fluid went in it). i then asked them to check the fluid. it was 2 quarts low. is this going to do anything to the tranny long term?
I wouldn't think so, sounds like you caught it right away which is a very good thing. How far did you drive with it like that?
i only drove approx 50 miles. after all of this, i checked the antifreeze res. and its empty. i also had this flushed and filled. i will not be putting any more miles on it until i take it back and see what they can do for me
Make them fix it, then NEVER go back to them EVER again. Coming up shy a couple quarts of fluid on one flush can MAYBE be understood. But on 2 seperate flushes, its either on purpose to get you to come back to them when it breaks, or just plain stupidity. Any person who calls him/herself a mechanic should know to check fluid levels after any fluid related service. Whoever did the work on your car obviously did not do that. Make sure taht the manager of the shop knows that, and make sure that they know they've just lost a customer. If they're not kissing your @$$ by the time your done with that sentence, you mean nothing to them, and they should be treated the same by you.
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there isn't one. do a search. big PITA to check fluid left to the pros
no, it was not done by the dealership, it was done at a goodyear dealership. i have had really good service from them until this time around. i used to go to the dealership, but i got sick of getting the shaft all the time
no, it was not done by the dealership, it was done at a goodyear dealership. i have had really good service from them until this time around. i used to go to the dealership, but i got sick of getting the shaft all the time

Well, that's the source of your problem. The transmission on the LS is supposed to be lifetime sealed, and while I do not believe that the fluid will last a lifetime, the dealership is far better equipped and informed on how to work on this transmission. From my years with the LS, it seems like every time someone other than the dealer opens this transmission, problems soon follow.

As to the exact nature of your problem, it may be the lack of fluid, but its really anyone's guess at this point. One thing is for sure though -- you're likely to have more problems with it in the future.
while i agree with you, i would not have gotten my service done there if the person who worked on my car was not ase certified. i have seen alot of ford mechanics not ase certified. i will be going back again to have them check my antifreeze, and the tranny again
well, it turned out that the antifreeze was also low. they said that it could be from the system getting the air out of it. this is believeable. i am now in detroit michigan for the nascar race, and i have developed a tranny leak. when it sits overnight it is no bigger than a dollar bill ripped in half, but i now have to get it checked out AGAIN:mad:
They probalby didn't tighten one of the hoses correctly. The flush machine they use at the dealer I work for hooks up where the hoses for cooler go into the tranny. You might be better off to just go somewhere else. :p
im going to be underneath the car when they lift it, as i want to see what is leaking for my own eyes. from this point on, i will only get my tires rotated at this place as that is where i got a really good deal on my rims/tires

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