tranny leak


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Bay Area
Well my tranny always dripped a few drops every couple weeks but I just flushed it with Mobil 1 ATF and it has left a small puddle two nights in a row. I got the car jacked up and it looks like either the front pump seal or the pan gasket. I'm hoping for the latter, has anyone had a leak from the pan gasket before?
I have it was messy! it flew all over the exhaust on the highway and would burn off when I stopped. That sucked. $60 at a local shop to fix.
My 95 NEVER leaked until I dropped the trans pan & drained the convertor about 2 years ago. After that she would leave small puddles over night. I kept adding fluid whenever it was low ( I guess every 2-3 months or so) Anyways, I have figured out that if you let it do it's thing & leak, once the trans fluid level gets about 1/2 to 3/4 quart low it will stop or at least be very minimal. Maybe there is too much fluid in the trans? It is 100% leaking from the front pump seal, but only while sitting over night. Anyways, my solution works just fine for me. I know a few others who have this same exact issue with their Mark VIII's.
There maybe too much fluid because I gave the shop 14 quarts of Mobil 1 Mercon 5 ATF and he said he used all of it.
There maybe too much fluid because I gave the shop 14 quarts of Mobil 1 Mercon 5 ATF and he said he used all of it.

Check the dipstick & see where the level is at. If it's too full then I would get the excess outta there. Either losen the rear pan bolts & then move forward just untill it starts to leak. get some out & re tighten them. OR, take off the trans cooler line & hold it in a bucket while someone starts the car, it will pump out quick so be carefull. OR you could get a small pump & try pumping it out through the fill tube. OR just let it leak out.

I would not leave it over filled though.
if it has a full 14 qts in it , your leak is because of that, its over full. i have drains numerous trannys in marks including the convertor and radiator trans cooler and have never been able to put more then 13 back in, usually 12 to 12 1/2 is perfect on the dip stick.
Well I got the car up on a lift again today, looks like it's the pan gasket and the dipstick o-ring... I got a kit from Napa which comes with the pan gasket and filter for under $20 bucks and then the dipstick o-ring from the dealer for a buck and change. BTW, the tranny is not overfilled, I talked to my mechanic today and he said the flush machine regulates the amount of fluid going in and out and that he could run 20 quarts through the machine if he wanted to...
My car was leakin tranny fluid when I got it. The pan gasket was leakin and so was the dip stick o ring.
All you gonna get with that pan gasket from NAPA is more leaks. Stick to OEM gasket, it's the best one ever made. Is the gasket on the pan the original one ? They very rarely leak and are reusable. I am willing to bet that your mechanic replaced it with a neoprene gasket that softens over time and needs to be either tightened or replaced back to OEM.
My mechanic didn't drop the pan this time, last time I had the tranny serviced the pan was dropped and the filter changed and the oem gasket reused. The Napa gasket does look pretty cheap made out of some type of "cork" material. I think I will get a new OEM gasket even though the dealer is trying to get over on the price for it...
I would never have a trans flush done without removing the pan. I would find another mechanic who would remove the pan so it can be cleaned & the filter can be changed.
I don't drop the pan and change the filter every time I get a flush, I do it every other time.
do our transmissions have any sort of vent to the ouside? like the diff? i get a little build on the front of the tranny/pan also, but never drops to the ground......asking because a couple of weeks ago I went to a parking lot and drove the crap out of my car.........seafoam!!! :D .......came back parked my car, didnt drive it till the next day, woke up to some fluid in the driveway :confused:
Yes there is a vent if the tranny is overfilled it will dump some fluid.

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