Trans question... Slippage in 3rd

I do not own a Mark 8, but I do own a 97 Continental which has been giving me the same hell you have been facing since August. It all began on a bright sunny day in July, I was leaving my neighborhood to head to work. As I reached 20 mph with my foot on the gas the car began to rev and the rpms shot up as my speed began to slow down. I stepped on the gas again and I was still only revving as the car kept slowing. I got a trans flush in August at Jiffy Lube and the car was perfect for about 2 hours. It was strong, shifted great pretty much like brand new. Went to the movies got back in the car got on the highway then BAM My transmission crapped out :rolleyes: Had to have the Transmission fixed at Aamco they rebuilt the transmission, got the car back and a week later the car continued to slip. The car has been back to Aamco 5 times now in which they have allegedly replaced the valve body which they said were the issues. My car is still slipping but it's random some days it'll do it some days it wont :( Does anyone know what's going on and does my car have an MLPS since most of you are suggesting that to be the cause of the problem.

Well my trans is getting worse,sometimes it feels like the torque converter is slipping and when it grabs the car gets crazy in the rear and starts to rip the tires up,also feels like it is hunting between gears,like 3rd and 4th are jumping back and forth to much and the rpm's are all over.So i guess it is time to do the trans and since i am not good at rebuilding them.I'm going to have it rebuilt and get all the mods for torque converter/stall,trans cooler and a trans temp gauge.
My car started doing this yesterday. And I have Only run merconV in it since i got it. Its like there is no 3rd until it hits redline THEN it locks in but goes right back out. help.
Try a trans flush with some trans additive and do the mlps,drop the pan and check out the valve body,i might go this route before replacing my trans but it gives me a excuse to pull my trans and make it bullet proof.

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