2004 LS V6 63K miles
Have the car in the dealership today for what I think is a wheel bearing. The Service manager told me about a transmission service that they do. If I follow this service they warrenty the transmission up to 150K miles. They suggest to have the service done every 30K, it costs $179.
They flush the system by tapping into one of the cooling lines, they refill with tranny fluid and also use an additive by B&M.
I'm planning to keep the car a while so it makes sense to me to have the tranny serviced at some point. Why doesn't the FORD maintanence book suggest a tranny flush?? I don't think it ever mentions it
Also just after I purchased the car new in 2004 I received a recall from FORD. The recall was for them to add an additive to the tranny fluid to prevent a hard shift from park into reverse. Shouldn't the dealership add this exact additive again when doing their service/flush? Or is it basically the B&M additive that they told me about.
your thoughts on any of this are appreciated.