There's a set of solenoid valves in the transmission that control the pressurized hydraulic fluid to the servos that apply the shift bands and the torque converter. Solenoids are electric coils that create a magnetic field when current flows through them. The magnetic field pulls in needle valves at the core of the solenoids.
There are tons of posts on here about them. Unless it's changed, you are looking at $700 to $900 to have them replaced with new ones and get new gaskets and springs and such put in the valve body.
Whatever you do, don't go to a chain transmission shop, ever. AFAIK, they're all like AAMCO (All Automatics Must Come Out). They'll say the transmission must be rebuilt. Then they'll replace it with a random (non-rebuilt) one from a junkyard and claim they rebuilt yours.
Find out who the local car shops send the cars to for transmission work.