transmission problem


LVC Member
Dec 23, 2006
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hi all am new here have 2000 ls8 have a question the other day had a cyl 4misfire replaced vc gasket plug and all now trans acts like it dosent know witch gear it wants to be in if your real easy on gas it shifts fine it you try to get on the throttle it like comes out of gear and check trans light flashes any suggustions
Try disconnecting your battery for 5-10 minutes, then reconnecting. That may help.

Also, punctuation and capitals in sentences makes them easier to read.
Yes tried that changed nothing.Thanks Oh yea one time something like trans data lost flased. flashed to quick to read
get it looked at asap. it's likely an electrical problem (harness, sensor, solenoid, etc) but you want to fix it before its MORE than an electrical problem....
If I read your message correctly, you didn't replace the coil, only the gasket and plug. The tranny confusion can be caused by a misfire, which could be caused by a bad coil. If that's the case, you need to get it fixed ASAP, before you have to buy new cats (a misfire can allow raw fuel to reach the cats, which will damage them).
SoonerLS said:
If I read your message correctly, you didn't replace the coil, only the gasket and plug. The tranny confusion can be caused by a misfire, which could be caused by a bad coil. If that's the case, you need to get it fixed ASAP, before you have to buy new cats (a misfire can allow raw fuel to reach the cats, which will damage them).
No I didnt replace the coil the well had very little oil in it. So I just went on ad replaced gasket the miss is gone
If the motor has a miss will it cause the trans to not shift right.There is coil packs on ebay for $18 each are they any good. I think I might still have a little miss the car shakes a little at idle
Interesting reading this thread because i'm having a very similar problem...I have 2000 LS V8...when im sitting at a stop light at an idle the engine will seem to misfire? or cut out and the car shakes real quick...then sometimes while i'm driving everything will be fine but the car doesnt seem to know when to be in D4, or D5 and the car cuts out unless i give it some gas, or let off the gas. (somewhat stuck inbetween if that makes any sense...) well if anyone knows anything about this let me know. thank you, merry xmas all.
Yes, if the engine has a misfire, it can cause the transmission to stumble in shifting. In addition to the confusion to the PCM caused by the sudden power loss concomitant with a misfire, if coil #4 (IIRC) is failing, it can cause interference in the data bus because of its proximity to the PCM.

I believe that the PCM confusion from the sudden loss of power is the more often seen of the two.
SoonerLS said:
Yes, if the engine has a misfire, it can cause the transmission to stumble in shifting. In addition to the confusion to the PCM caused by the sudden power loss concomitant with a misfire, if coil #4 (IIRC) is failing, it can cause interference in the data bus because of its proximity to the PCM.

I believe that the PCM confusion from the sudden loss of power is the more often seen of the two.

What do you think might be the cause of my engine misfiring?
The #1 cause of misfiring in the LS is bad/failing coils. This will normally throw an error code, but it may not. If you don't know how to test the coils, you'll probably need to take the car to a mechanic (I generally recommend a Lincoln dealership service department, but I don't know how good the dealerships in your area are).

The top cause of failing coils in the LS is leaking valve cover gaskets, which allow oil to get into the plug wells, which, in turn, kills the coils. This is far more common in the pre-'03 LSes (the valve cover gaskets were redesigned in or around '03). If you pull a coil and see oil in the plug well, the chances are good that the coil is either failing or well on its way to doing so. In this case, I believe Quik's generally accepted advice is to replace all the coils--it's not much more labor to replace the coils while you're replacing the valve cover gaskets (the coils have to come off when the valve covers come off).
what is your opinion on the coils on ebay for $18 they include boots sounds mighty cheap. I cant figure out how to post a link
I don't have any experience with them, so I don't really have an opinion on them. If you're talking about the coils dooneybaby sells (I think he goes by pantysniffer on eBay), a lot of LvCers have bought them, and the reviews have been generally positive--at least I haven't seen a negative review.
There is a procedure for load-testing the coils that was posted here not long ago (by TheRebel, IIRC). You'll have to search for it in the forum; I don't think it's in the tech section.

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