Transmission Swap


LVC Member
Jan 24, 2013
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San Antonio
2005 LS Transmission

I bought a transmission with 66,000 miles from a salvage yard. Mechanic installed it for me. He told me today that it drives fine for about 2 miles, but then starts to slip in 3rd gear. Am I safe to assume I got a bad tranny?
Make sure your mechanic has the correct fluid and fluid level in the transmission. Also, if you didn't have him/her install a new solenoid assembly prior to installing the tranny while it was easily accessible... then you took an unessecary gamble. You can still install one but it will be less enjoyable.
If you already had your mechanic do a light overhaul on the tranny prior to installing it, then yeah, you may easily have a bad trans. Only way to tell is to purchase the common failing structures and install them. If it were me, I'd purchase a trans-go shift kit assembly and new fluid and filter. I've heard good things from people here about the trans-go kit and I plan on going that route in the future if I have to.

I'm sure others will chime in soon, best of luck. And if you're having problems with the LS, you've come to the right place !!
2005 LS Transmission

I bought a transmission with 66,000 miles from a salvage yard. Mechanic installed it for me. He told me today that it drives fine for about 2 miles, but then starts to slip in 3rd gear. Am I safe to assume I got a bad tranny?

Could you provide more info? Year of your LS, engine, etc? Also, what were the symptoms you experienced with your prior transmission?

Could you provide more info? Year of your LS, engine, etc? Also, what were the symptoms you experienced with your prior transmission?

2005 Lincoln LS V8........... Last transmission popped while driving and had nothing past 2 gear.
Did u get a from a 2005 LS v8 donor car? And by your description is it safe for me to assume that both of these transmissions are experiencing completely different symptoms? Was the battery reset?

If the two symptoms are completely different then I would expect you received a bad transmission (could be solenoid, valve body, servo bores).

As mentioned by another poster, ensure that the fluids are correct and correctly topped off. Also make sure the wire harness is secured and not corroded.

Are you getting an E where D5 would be?
Did u get a from a 2005 LS v8 donor car? And by your description is it safe for me to assume that both of these transmissions are experiencing completely different symptoms? Was the battery reset?

If the two symptoms are completely different then I would expect you received a bad transmission (could be solenoid, valve body, servo bores).

As mentioned by another poster, ensure that the fluids are correct and correctly topped off. Also make sure the wire harness is secured and not corroded.

Are you getting an E where D5 would be?

Mecahnic did say he was only able to fill it with 9 quarts he says past that it starts coming out of the bell housing somewhere. I believe I read here somewhere it is suppose to be a little more that 11 quarts. He didnt say anything about an E coming out in D5. Debating weather to take it to the dealer and let them drain and fill the transmission to make sure its done right.
Mecahnic did say he was only able to fill it with 9 quarts he says past that it starts coming out of the bell housing somewhere. I believe I read here somewhere it is suppose to be a little more that 11 quarts. He didnt say anything about an E coming out in D5. Debating weather to take it to the dealer and let them drain and fill the transmission to make sure its done right.

It is 11.5 quarts, so you are low. The transmission has to be filled while level. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe being 2.5 quarts below level would cause some issues.. maybe that is your culprit, maybe not. But definitely get it to 11.5.
I agree. My transmission was shifting hard from 2nd to 3rd gear, felt like a slip and then a hard drop. It would do it intermittently, not all the time. I brought it to the dealer for servicing. After a flush and fill with a new filter, the issue has been absent ever since.

Granted I didn't replace the trans for a new one. But I can say that a flush and fill did solve my transmission issue. You should be able to get it done for around $120. I believe that's what I payed. Might be a good investment, at least you'll know where you stand and you can eliminate improper fluid and/or quantity from your cause.

Jjcool makes a very valid point though. Do know that these cars need to be level to receive proper transmission servicing, as in the front is even with the back, and the driver side is even with the passenger side. Best way would be to use a hoist.

Keep us updated !!
it also needs to be filled while running. filling it to the proper level while off will cause you to under fill it...
Whats this 9 quarts then beginning to leak out the bell housing somewhere? Huh? Doesn't sound right to me!
Whats this 9 quarts then beginning to leak out the bell housing somewhere? Huh? Doesn't sound right to me!

yeah, if fluid is leaking out of anywhere other than the hole that tells you when you have enough, that right there is a problem! I would expect a good mechanic to notice that and address it instead of just figuring thats enough... but then again I don't, nor have I ever, repaired a transmission.
If it's leaking out the bellhousing,,, the the front pump seal is shot and needs to be replaced... maybe even the pump bushing. This would also account for slipping in 3rd gear too.... due to lack of line pressure from the pump. The trans needs pulled back out... and while replacing the pump seal,,, replace the tailshaft seal also. Be gentle and accurate when putting the torque converter back in the trans... or it will need pulled again.

All boneyard trannys should start with fresh,,, pump seal, tailshaft seal, pan gasket, filter, and fluid.
Mecahnic did say he was only able to fill it with 9 quarts he says past that it starts coming out of the bell housing somewhere.

There is an air vent that lets out at the top of the inside of the bellhousing. If the transmission is overfilled, it can pump fluid out of this vent. It runs down inside the bell and comes out at the bottom, where the bell meets the engine. Mine did this when I got it and left a quarter-sized spot under the car every time I parked it. I took it in and found out it was overfilled 2-4 quarts. It's supposed to trickle when you take out the screw... mine flowed for about a minute.

If it's leaking out the bellhousing,,, the the front pump seal is shot and needs to be replaced...

Unless it's overfilled.

Anyway, as others have said, the car must be level, running, and warm to accurately fill it
Well... go figure the LS would be the car to prove me wrong. But how to explain a car that would normally take around 12 quarts... pissing on the floor at 9. I still stand by my statement that ... "All boneyard trannys should start with fresh,,, pump seal, tailshaft seal, pan gasket, filter, and fluid."

When things sit around a boneyard and collect dust,,, seals get dry and brittle.
Hmm... so the fill plug in the drain plug,,, allows the tranny to be overfilled... so you have to open a drain plug so it doesn't trickle out the bell through a vent. But if you have seepage,,, and leave a spot... then you need to to let it trickle after you stop screwing. And it should flow for a while.

Sorry... that was too irresistible. Where's richard at.??? ;-)

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