
Trump Promises to Finally Prove Voter Fraud in 2020 Election (It Is 2023)

"Trump has already tried to get the Georgia case thrown out, and on Tuesday morning, he claimed he has a “Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia.”

“Based on the results of this CONCLUSIVE Report, all charges should be dropped against me & others—There will be a complete EXONERATION!” he said on Truth Social.
" -snip

LoL. Oh Trumpers...

Two most likely outcomes:

A) Trump will show nothing and keep claiming the report is coming soon
B) It will be a repeat of his nonsense claims that already were thrown out in court over and over in late 2020 and early 2021.

Either way, Trumpers will believe Trump, because they believe everything he says.
Texas woman arrested after threats to Trump judge Tanya Chutkan

Abigail Jo Shry, 43, allegedly phoned the court in Washington DC on 5 August and used a racial slur in her message for US District Judge Tanya Chutkan.

Ms Shry also allegedly threatened to kill a Democratic member of Congress.

In the call, Ms Shry allegedly told the judge, who is overseeing an election conspiracy case against Mr Trump: "You are in our sights, we want to kill you."
Prosecutors say Ms Shry added: "If Trump doesn't get elected in 2024, we are coming to kill you."

The caller also threatened all Democrats in Washington DC and the LGBT community, according to the court filing.

So it begins. Anyone involved with prosecuting Trump better hire 24hr security, because the cult of Trump will be gunning after them. They attacked their own country for him. They will again.

Maybe it's time the cult of Trump is formerly labeled a domestic terrorist organization.
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Authorities investigating threats to grand jurors who indicted Trump in Georgia

Authorities in Georgia said Thursday they’re investigating threats targeting members of the grand jury that indicted former President Donald Trump and 18 of his allies.

Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat’s office said investigators are working to trace the origin of the threats after the names of grand jury members and other personal information were posted online. The sheriff’s office said other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies were assisting.

Trumpers have doxxed and posted the identifies of the grand jurors online.

These people were doing their civic duty are now must fear being attacked and possibly murdered.

The party that claims to love law and order.
“It’s hard to believe, I don’t feel any satisfaction. I feel great profound sadness that we have a former president who has been indicted for so many charges that went right to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive.

If you stop and think about what the public evidence is … [Trump] set out to defraud the United States of America and the citizens of our nation.

“He used tactics, harassment, intimidation, he made threats, he and his allies went after state officials, local officials responsible for conducting elections. Now we know they even went into voting machines in order to determine whether or not those voting machines had somehow been breached when they were the ones actually doing the breaching.

So there is a great deal already in the public record … clearly this investigation has been very thorough. But I don’t know that anybody should be satisfied with this. This is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes.”
– Hillary Rodham Clinton
“It’s hard to believe, I don’t feel any satisfaction. I feel great profound sadness that we have a former president who has been indicted for so many charges that went right to the heart of whether or not our democracy would survive.

If you stop and think about what the public evidence is … [Trump] set out to defraud the United States of America and the citizens of our nation.

“He used tactics, harassment, intimidation, he made threats, he and his allies went after state officials, local officials responsible for conducting elections. Now we know they even went into voting machines in order to determine whether or not those voting machines had somehow been breached when they were the ones actually doing the breaching.

So there is a great deal already in the public record … clearly this investigation has been very thorough. But I don’t know that anybody should be satisfied with this. This is a terrible moment for our country to have a former president accused of these terribly important crimes.”
– Hillary Rodham Clinton
It is weird that you choose to quote Hillary- who is soo virtuous. The queen of the Benghazi cover-up. The ultimate source of the Steele Dossier and destroyer in chief of who knows what on her private server (Comey let her slide on that one). She blew her own election shot with her "basket of deplorables" comment and her lazy campaign. Didn't she say the election was stolen from her? Vince Foster? You should choose a better person to quote. Trump will get whatever the justice system decides. I have no issue with that. But please, leave this vain, angry 2 time loser stay in the shadows, where she will continue to chirp in order to keep her name in the news. The thought of her commenting on fraud is laughable!
All that and yet no indictments, even after Trump promised to "lock her up!". Weird, eh.

But how about I quote who I want; when I want? Yeah, I think I will continue to do that :)

Trump "jokes" about fleeing to Russia to be with his buddy Putin.

If (when?) Trump is found guilty, he will absolutely try to flee to Russia or one of Putin's satellite countries like Belarus. 100% guaranteed. Trumpers will still support him.
All that and yet no indictments, even after Trump promised to "lock her up!". Weird, eh.

But how about I quote who I want; when I want? Yeah, I think I will continue to do that :)
Go for it, but the choices we make sometimes may reflect back on the makeup of the person making the choice.
Agreed, what's that say about Republicans/Conservatives when the man who tried to overturn an election and when that failed, staged an insurrection and failed coup is the front runner, and by a lot, to be president again.
"The judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's election interference case in federal court set a trial date for March 4, 2024." -Snip

One court date set. Several more to go.

This is bigger than the Watergate scandal and by many magnitudes of corruption. Republicans sure know how to pick presidents.
Trump’s co-defendants are already starting to turn against him

There’s a nascent courtroom strategy by some people close to Donald Trump: Heap blame on the former president.

The finger-pointing among Donald Trump’s inner circle has begun.

And as his four criminal cases march toward trials, some of his aides, allies and co-defendants are pointing at the former president.

In court documents and hearings, lawyers for people in Trump’s orbit — both high-level advisers and lesser known associates — are starting to reveal glimmers of a tried-and-true strategy in cases with many defendants: Portray yourself as a hapless pawn while piling blame on the apparent kingpin.

No surprise, when you're a deplorable like Trump is and you surround yourself with deplorables, it's expected behavior.
Seems 71% of registered Republicans want Trump as President again, no surprise there. That drops down to only 63% if/when he's convicted of a crime.

From the "party of law and order".

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Trump "jokes" about fleeing to Russia to be with his buddy Putin.

If (when?) Trump is found guilty, he will absolutely try to flee to Russia or one of Putin's satellite countries like Belarus. 100% guaranteed. Trumpers will still support him.
Yip, this guy always tells you what he's going to do, so nobody should be surprised when he actually does it! And he will still be playing the victim card too. Sad that so many people blindly follow this self-serving idiot and even carry on donating to his "defence fund"
Hmm... Interesting. So how's that EU Socialistic Monarchy working out for you... IF you are really from New Zealand.

Must be nice to be controlled by perverts that hang out at "Little St. James".

What makes you give a care in our politics from across the pond???
Hmm... Interesting. So how's that EU Socialistic Monarchy working out for you... IF you are really from New Zealand.

Must be nice to be controlled by perverts that hang out at "Little St. James".

What makes you give a care in our politics from across the pond???

Why so hostile, Truimper?

Say what you will, New Zealand ranks higher in health education than the US. Not too shabby for a small island nation.

You realize Little St. James is in the Virgin Islands, an American territory, right?

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