
I'm starting to realize a bias on this website by at least one of the moderators.

Doesn't matter at this point. The LVC forum is dying anyway... when Joegr and I are responding to a pittance of car related questions.

So Biden has been sucking on terrorist c*ck!!!
Seriously... 2 of my Union "brothers" despise him for doing that. Remember me telling you that one of them called Biden a child molester.

You don't want to know what the other said.
"Trump judge in Mar-a-Lago case denies prosecutors’ request for gag order - Setback for special counsel Jack Smith as Aileen Cannon denies motion filed after Trump falsely claimed FBI was ready to kill him" -The Guardian

Shocking, truly.
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Monica is to Clinton... What Stormy is to Trump. I smell a double standard. BOTH wives... stood by their man (at least in public).
Except Clinton didn't try to corruptly influence an election by paying out and concealing the payment of hush money to keep her quiet. That's what the trial is actually about! Strange that the horror, vitriole and disgust from the Republican party, with Clinton and since then with Obama, (who dared to wear a beige suit and even had his country of birth questioned!) has not been transferred to the most despicable POTUS in US history. What an embarrassment for the USA!
Except Clinton didn't try to corruptly influence an election by paying out and concealing the payment of hush money to keep her quiet. That's what the trial is actually about! Strange that the horror, vitriole and disgust from the Republican party, with Clinton and since then with Obama, (who dared to wear a beige suit and even had his country of birth questioned!) has not been transferred to the most despicable POTUS in US history. What an embarrassment for the USA!

^He's correct

Trump's on trial for falsifying legal documents with the intend to defraud. Not because he had sex with a porn star while his wife was pregnant, that part wasn't illegal.

Though it's funny to see Rightist Christians defend Trump over it.
I think you need to firstly read these links before you post them! You look a bit dim when they don't particularly back up your limited and one eyed arguments...
What?!?! Clinton paid hush money.

Trump paid hush money.

What's the diff??? Both were/are in the wrong.

Clinton used his power and influence to manipulate/coherese
Monica. And lied.

Trump and Stormy were complicit. And Trump lied.

Point... both lied... and BOTH got caught.

Clinton concealed the affair.

Trump tried to conceal his "relationship" with Stormy.

JFK concealed his relationship with Marilyn, and Marilyn paid the price. :(

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