
The "Jones" / Clinton article that I linked. Yes I did.

At this point I don't care who f*cked who, or who lied to who.

Point is CLINTON was guilty for what he did. That's why he was Impeached. If Trump gets impeached... so be it.

Seems people around here have bad memories. (a "Lefty" disease). Are the facts different between Clinton and Trump the same? Maybe, maybe not.

If Trump gets drug through the mud, and is properly charged, so be it. Time will tell. Same with the impeachment.

This is getting old... and I tire because of the stupidity and circular conversations.

I have a life of my own that I enjoy, and I really don't care about BS politics and the twisted web it becomes.

HOWEVER... I still think Biden sucks, and will not be voting for him... and again... (because I am a moderate) I won't be voting for Trump either.

Call me "uncommitted"!

The effort to leverage primary votes to influence Biden spreads to Ohio
No, it did not and now confusing and conflating multiple things.

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, not having sex. Ken Starr subpoenaed him under the guise that they were going to discuss the Whitewater controversy and then he popped the "did you have sex with Monica Lewinski" question and Clinton lied.This was Starr's intent all along, Clinton fell for it like a moron and Republicans cheered.

The payment Clinton made to Paula Jones over her sexual harassment lawsuit was public record.

Trump's on trial for falsifying business records with the intent to defraud. He's not on trial for having sex with a pornstar while his wife was pregnant, that part was not illegal.
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"Donald J. Trump, the former president and presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a case stemming from a payment that silenced a porn star." -Snip​


Republicans now have a convicted felon as their presumptive presidential nominee, a first for the country.
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Republicans who love to refer to themselves as the "Law and Order" party, are shitting all over and tearing down our legal institutions and processes again, all in the defense of one indefensible felon. Trump before country since 2016. Sad.
Republicans who love to refer to themselves as the "Law and Order" party, are shitting all over our legal institutions and processes again, all in the defense of one indefensible man. Trump before country. Sad.
I'm sure there are a lot of "Lefties" that fit that description too.
Isn't anyone concerned about jihad being committed on American soil?

Or are you silently waiting for another 911???

For which side are you going to cheer???

Wake up dipshits !!!
There is no evidence that is true, Ashley Biden has said those entry's are false too. Project Veritas have a history of forging documents etc and of course that is what they would do to deflect from trumps obvious and sick attraction to his own daughter! Plenty of evidence there, including out of his own stupid mouth. Trump always confesses to his crimes verbally and projects the same onto others. You just love your 'whataboutisms' don't ya! Lol

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