Don Pfau
Dedicated LVC Member
Well I looked at it and do not see any were stated that its based on gross income? And Yes Mitts income is not all Capital Gains but it is still a lower total percent than I have paid.
Well I looked at it and do not see any were stated that its based on gross income?
And Yes Mitts income is not all Capital Gains but it is still a lower total percent than I have paid.
As the rich hold onto their 'class' and their 'privilege' you better believe it is about class warfare
Explain to me how you can think or justify that any one persons work could ever be worth 1,000 times more than any other persons work.
There is absolutely no sane logic to explain how the wealthy have available a tax rate as low or lower then the poorest working Americans have to pay from the first dollar they make.
I say one shagdrum, we may disagree on some things but you have been a gentleman.
Capital gains are taxed low because there is 100% risk to this type of spending investing for longer than 1 year that accomplishes things and brings a return on investment beyond mere money.
Lasting value is worth more than the cost of someones living which is why the different tax rate.
Again How can you be so smart yet so &$%^#*. Capital gains tax rate is 15%on taxable income not actual earnings. And while were on the subject some loop holes get deducted from the gross so they are not deductions. Also I do not believe your tax chart was gross. Every tax chart I've seen if it is labeled it says taxable income and unless you can prove it different there is no reason to just except your word. WORKING CLASS WORKERS PAY A HIGHER PERCENTAGE IN SS ON THERE GROSS THAN THE PERCENTAGE SOME WEALTHY PAY ON THEIR GROSS ON MILLIONS TO BILLIONS IN CAPITAL GAINS AND SS. You can deny it all you want. Its just a simple tax deduction and math problem. And of course I can not produce such a return, they are protected. Plus those that have managed to do this would never voluntarily release their returns. And its ludicrous of you to expect me to produce them. The saddest part to me I know your smart enough to know this is true and yet your ideology wont let you admit it. I full understand that capital gains are at risk and should be lower than the general rate.
Capital gains tax rate is 15%on taxable income not actual earnings.
And while were on the subject some loop holes get deducted from the gross so they are not deductions.
Also I do not believe your tax chart was gross. Every tax chart I've seen if it is labeled it says taxable income and unless you can prove it different there is no reason to just except your word.
of course I can not produce such a return
...your ideology wont let you admit it.
Can you explain why capital gains rates are lower then income tax? There is a specific reason for it (and it is not simply the double taxation angle).
Instead of class warfare boilerplate and false equivalence, can you actually confront that reason and give an argument (sanctimony is not an argument) why the capital gains rate tax should be determined on a different basis?
Do you agree that we should grow our way out of the recession?
Do you agree with the Right to property?
Investments don't lead to economic growth?! Care to explain that?
How does the current system "penalize work"?
Are you saying that double taxation is between income tax and capital gains tax? It is typically between corporate taxes and capital gains taxes. The same source of income, taxed twice.
Also, it is false to compare physical risk to fiscal risk. To characterize it in this manner is a half-truth at best. BOTH areas offset risk in different ways but you are avoiding how risk is offset with more dangerous work.
The risk of monetary loss in investments is offset by the lower tax rate.
The risk of harm on the job is offset by higher pay, better benefits, etc.
so... what does this mean when we are talking about taxing them. Probably 95% of the middle class in this country are 'self-made'???????80% of millionaires in this country are self-made
A 2011 study by the CBO 2011 found that the top earning 1% of households gained about 275% after federal taxes and income transfers over a period between 1979 and 2007The top .01% of income earners in 1996 saw their incomes cut in half
Which mean 1/2 moved down.... so....Roughly half of taxpayers who began in the bottom income quintile in 1996 moved up to a higher income group by 2005.
You do realize that there is always movement between the groups - so it isn't surprising that some fell out of that category (how much did snoop dog blow on blow for instance....).Among those with the very highest incomes in 1996 – the top 1/100 of 1 percent –only 25 percent remained in this group in 2005. Moreover, the median real income of these taxpayers declined over this period.
Once again - soooo - we aren't getting any better since 1987?????The degree of mobility among income groups is unchanged from the prior decade (1987 through 1996).
Really - the WSJ doesn't think so... (you have some fairly old source shag...)Economic growth resulted in rising incomes for most taxpayers over the period from 1996 to 2005. Median incomes of all taxpayers increased by 24 percent after adjusting for inflation. The real incomes of two-thirds of all taxpayers increased over this period. In addition, the median incomes of those initially in the lower income groups increased more than the median incomes of those initially in the higher income groups.
Yes, but growth doesn't mean that we should tax income at different levels - How about bringing jobs back home, how about supporting american corporations instead of allowing venture capitalists to rape and pillage them, how about taking some of those taxes we should be collecting by equaling the tax code and helping small business - who are the real job creators in this country.It seems you missed my last two questions;
Do you agree that we should grow our way out of the recession?
Not sure where you are going with this - you need to give you question in a less opened ended way. Do I agree with the right to property-yes.Do you agree with the Right to property?
To provide funds to our government -I would also add; what is the purpose of taxes in your view?
how about taking some of those taxes we should be collecting by equaling the tax code and helping small business - who are the real job creators in this country.
Actually the small business as jobs creator is a myth.
Owners of companies with less than 10 employees are likely mom and pop operations and small contractors content with their responsibilities income and lifestyle with no desire to expand.
It's medium sized 10 to 100 employee companies that are the new job creators.
Howdy 04---