Twin 96 LSC'S

.. but RARELY do i see them with HID's.. so to get a 95 lsc w/ hids is extremely rare
true true...!!! makes me want one even more!!!

Shoot, why wait till Carlisile (I screw that towns name up everytime!) can you make it to the Christmas meet in Chicago? I'm still working on it, but I think I will be able to make it.

true true...!!! makes me want one even more!!!

Shoot, why wait till Carlisile (I screw that towns name up everytime!) can you make it to the Christmas meet in Chicago? I'm still working on it, but I think I will be able to make it.


Maybe there is a town in IOWA named Carlisle. :D
dont think ill make it to chicago... carlisle maybe.. its in central Pa to the best of my knowledge... which is about 5 or 6 hours from me.. i think i can handle that

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