Two types of sway bar bushings?


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 30, 2012
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I saw a few sway bar bushings for the front but different diameter. 28.5mm and 30mm. which one do i go with?
What year?
V6 or V8?
Sport or non-sport?

sorry lol. 00' v6 non-sport.

Also I found this knocking around hanging off one end :3

I'm also starting to hear some loud creaking as i go over bumps. Could the others be going on their way out causing the creak?


i replaced the rear stabilizer links on the car yesterday and took it out for a spin on the highway. The car feels a LOT more better and doesn't feel like i'm losing control at higher speeds when I'm switching lanes. The front ones are definitely due for a change as well.

Anywho, 28.5 or 30mm bushings for this car?

gen 1 (00') v6 non sport ls.
The small one. The larger one is for sport suspension, which is on the sport cars and a few others (e.g., '02 "premium")
Don't think you need that part, doesn't look all that important, just go ahead and throw it away, care on, no worries!
28.5 or 30mm bushings for this car?

grab a small piece of straight narrow paper, crawl underneath at either wheel, measure sway bar by means of wrapping paper around diameter of bar. Use pen to make a mark, measure with ruler.

... either that or borrow/use a vernier caliper.
Wrapping paper and reading length will give you circumference instead of diameter. You'd need to do the math using C=Pi D.

I see now that it was late after a long day. To error is human! Silly me!

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