Uh-Oh! Early voting in Colorado favoring...Republicans!


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Bad news for Obama in Colorado early voting
Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized

The state of Colorado has released its first set of early voting figures: and it’s bad news for Obama.

Despite a massive push by Obama for early voting, including repetitious pleas during the Democrats’ Convention for Coloradoans to early vote, Democrats and Republicans are tied in terms of early voting so far.

105,277 - Democrats = 49.92%
105,615 - Republicans = 50.08% √
338 = Difference between the two = 0.16%

This means that even with a nonstop push by the Obama campaign for his followers to vote early, Republicans are still ahead in Colorado, if only slightly.

Democrats vote early in higher numbers than Republicans in almost every state. And that’s not including the big persuasive push by Obama. Logic dictates with all the attention Obama’s put on early voting, that Democrats should be clobbering Republicans right now…if they vote early in higher numbers to begin with, and then Obama’s made a big push for early voting on top of that.

That’s not happening.

Republicans have a slight lead in early voting right now.

Where is all the enthusiasm for Obama the media keeps braying about?

And remember: not all of those Democrats are voting Obama. We know 30 Democrats right here in Chicago who voted early — and voted Republican for the first time in our lives. We bet there’s a higher percentage of Democrats voting Republican in Colorado this year than any year in the past.

And that’s something we won’t know the full extent of until Election Day.
Well, more republican mail in ballots have shown up at the county clerks offices, and more republicans have shown up at early voting places, but we don't know how they have voted.

The state is traditionally very RED, but polling in Colorado has shown that there is a significant number of republicans that are voting Obama or are still undecided.

So, until those votes get really counted I wouldn't get too excited Foss...

And since I think you mentioned Rasmussen... 52% Obama, 45 McCain...
'Difference between the two = 0.16%'

That's like getting excited over finding a nickel.
I do think it is a bit ironic.... I was blasted about mail-in, early voting (even though to this point I still haven't sent in mine, and I have to have a mail-in ballot because I will be out of town on election day) And foss is pointing happily to all those republicans who have already sent in their ballots - isn't that a bad thing?:p

Also a little thing - Republicans skew older - older people have a tendency not to want to get out and stand in line. Here in Colorado many more Republicans have requested mail in ballots than Dems....

I am sure some of them voted for Obama, like Maverick is doing - what if something bad happens this week - their votes will just be 'wasted' - right?
I do think it is a bit ironic.... I was blasted about mail-in, early voting (even though to this point I still haven't sent in mine, and I have to have a mail-in ballot because I will be out of town on election day) And foss is pointing happily to all those republicans who have already sent in their ballots - isn't that a bad thing?:p

Also a little thing - Republicans skew older - older people have a tendency not to want to get out and stand in line. Here in Colorado many more Republicans have requested mail in ballots than Dems....

I am sure some of them voted for Obama, like Maverick is doing - what if something bad happens this week - their votes will just be 'wasted' - right?
Show me how I blasted you. I await with bated breath. Heck, show me where ANYONE blasted you.
ohhh, not baited breath.. blick...

Sorry, it wasn't you Foss, sometimes I do get things mixed up - :( There is a lot that flies around out here....

It was Bryan....

Well, I don't have many kind things to say about people that vote early so I won't say anything about them. To me, voting early is like voting with half of the information.

If I ran around making business decisions based on half the info, I'd be out of business in few months.

I hope you enjoy the throw-up taste in your mouth after you find out who the Messiah really was and is and it'll be too late to spit it out.

I guess I was looking at the 'throw up taste' left in my mouth if I vote early and something terrible comes out about Obama. I won't be able to change my vote then...

Blasting - well, I don't know, might be in the eye (or mouth) of the beholder...;)

Sorry again...

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