Well-Known LVC Member
Not at all what I am saying. Could you actually respond to the argument I made instead of attempting to reframe the issue on emotional terms?
Can you look to the broader picture of economic reality or only focus on artificial class distinctions?
Are you capable of having an argument about economics or is class warfare rhetoric all you know?
It is far more cruel to have an overreaching government try and go against nature by "stimulating" the economy through "investment" thus maintaining bust far beyond. The more decent, kind thing to do is for the government to facilitate a quick economic recovery by getting out of the way.
The market naturally corrects itself and there is no way for government to speed up that process. Attempts to speed up a recovery only prolong the recession.
Again, are you actually able to logically defend the premises that your argument is based on or can you only take them for granted and posture in an attempt to avoid any critical examination of those premises?
All I have been seeing is the latter...
You can't have economics without "class distiction" involved, specially when the cards are stacked against the ones that actually HAVE to spend it.
If what you mean by "stimulating" the economy through "investment" is another way of saying bailing GM out of the hole so the thousands of workers and the many many factories and bussiness that depend on GM don't go under, therefore keeping money flowing instead remaining stagnant, that's a HELL yes . BUT if you mean "stimulating" the economy through "tax breaks for the wealthy" because eventually everyone else gets the crumbs then the answer is HELL no. Is that a more direct way to answer?