Updated pics....

JC1994 said:
I stated my opinion about my dislike of "fancy cookie cutter SUV wheels" on cars. If you post pictures for all to see than you should be prepared for positive and negative comments. I, like you don't care if you like my car or wheels. I never attacked you personally I just said I don't like wheels any bigger than 18's on cars. If that hurt your feelings to bad.

How old r u man? I never said u attacked me, or that u hurt my feelings. If anything, I told u that u are entitled to your opinion. I could care less if you like my wheels or not. I just don't think it's necessary to bicker back and forth. I like my wheels that's why they are on MY car, and u like your wheels and that's why they are on Your car, get over it!!! One post giving your opinion is suffiecent. But once again thanks for your input
I'm 41 and I never said that you said I attacked you, I said I never attacked you PERSONALLY, understand now? you are the one that got all bent out of shape because I said ALL CARS look ridiculous with wheels bigger than 18's so don't tell me to fu*king get over it. if you are the one that doesn't want to hear negative opinions, than get off the site. I don't think it's necessary to bikker back and forth either, but I do stand by my opinion whether you or anybody else likes it, too bad. get over it yourself. and your more than welcome for my input whether you like it or not. end of story.
I saw a little sh!tbox Cavalier today with huge rims. The Rims had to have costed more than the entire car....that is really ridiculous ! Taste in rims is the same as anything...food, music, clothing, women. Everyone has their own specific taste and it doesnt make it wrong if a person likes huge rims. I look at huge rims looking "stupid" about the same as the homies with their pants hanging off the bottom of their ass, 99% of people probably think its stupid but obviously homeboy doesnt. Huge rims do in fact make a car look silly sitting so high off the ground, but have you ever seen the other side of the spectrum. Little tiny wheels that stick out a foot from the car.
00ls5spd, I'll say one more time man, your rims look really nice, and they fit really nicely the personallity of a manual gearboxed LS. I have 20s too and I am very proud of my rims (even my licence plate states that), if I would ever put any other rims except from stock ones on my LS it would be 20s again. 20s handle great, ride great and look the best on the LS in my opinion.


lincoln new cisco 2.JPG
discussion is over....

This whole thing has blown up into some stupid sh!t talking ordeal....Thanks to those who stand by me and my 20's.
Hey, thats the way it goes on a public forum. If you post something your not going to get a 100% agreement with your view. I assume you posted to get feedback and you have to deal with bullsh!t. I personally do what i do and dont care what others think and you wont see me posting pics because someone will disagree about something, maybe the type of air freshner i use. Who knows. You choosing 20's is about the same as having a mohawk. Its a personal choice and most people wont get it and will view it as stupid, but if your gonna go that route your gonna have to expect criticism.
00ls5spd said:
This whole thing has blown up into some stupid sh!t talking ordeal....Thanks to those who stand by me and my 20's.

your the one who blew up and is talking sh!t, now you are trying to rally the troops to come to your aid. grow up. everyone has had to deal with something that somebody else didn't like about their car. this is a free country and we have this right, it's called freedom of speech. thanks to those who understand that I don't like 20's on ANY car, not just your's. your trying to make this sound like I'm personally attacking you.
Fla02LS said:
Hey, thats the way it goes on a public forum. If you post something your not going to get a 100% agreement with your view. I assume you posted to get feedback and you have to deal with bullsh!t. I personally do what i do and dont care what others think and you wont see me posting pics because someone will disagree about something, maybe the type of air freshner i use. Who knows. You choosing 20's is about the same as having a mohawk. Its a personal choice and most people wont get it and will view it as stupid, but if your gonna go that route your gonna have to expect criticism.
I totally agree.:I :Beer
You stated your opinion o.k. you don't like wheels bigger than 18" o.k. there is no need to keep repeating yourself. I'm not trying to rally anyone behind me HyeLifeLs gave me a compliment and I thanked him. For the last and final time you like what you like and I will like what I like. Let's leave it at that! Thanks for your opinion and insightful input.

I'm not repeating myself to put you down man!!! I repeated what I said so you would understand that I was not putting you down personally. I stated that you have a nice car but I didn't like the wheels, and in my opinion anything bigger than 18's look ridiculous on ALL cars. I was not even talking to you to begin with I was talking to Fla02LS when I said this. go back and look at the whole thread. I am not wasting anymore of my time on you or this thread. your the one who needs to realize that people have different opinions.
NOT me.
I give up...we will never see eye to eye on this so let's be done with it....cool???

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