Upper Radiator Hose, Dorman Aluminum Center Connector 626759, Alternatives??


Active LVC Member
Mar 25, 2007
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Has anyone seen this? Instead of buying the whole hose kit, is there not an aluminum or non corrosive metal pipe joining connector we can get at lowes or amazon?? This part is 70+ shipping on rockauto. I got this pinhole on the plastic center piece, my epoxy held for about 6 months and is leaking again.. too cheap to buy a whole new hose kit, i need a $5 - $20 solution lol
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Kudos to Dorman for coming up with that solution. I think the best option is staring you right in the face.

Keep in mind that if you need to replace the hose parts again, Dorman will probably have them "sold separately" at a much cheaper price.

Nice to see Dorman using spring clamps instead of screw clamps.
Something else you need to think about. Dorman put some time and research into designing that part.

If that part needed machining and welded as a "one off" part... that center section would be $100 alone.
yea i thought about that, surely theres something out there we can use.. cut out that plastic crap and hose clamp it..
oh welll.. anyways.. i used jbweld red high temp on it, sanded, alcohol prepped it... joegr gonna kick my a. he tries his best to instill proper repair on these lincolns..

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