V6 guys have an Idea

Well guys I'm not in to racing or nitrous, was just seeking some extra HP to feel a bit better starting from the light or something. :rolleyes:
out of all the cars ive had a bottle on and the 6 years on the ls. thats video is the onll problem ive ever had. and it wasnt me. the dyno shop loaded the car in 4th gear and hit armed the system at like 2000 rpms which is waaay to much load. thats what caused it. but accidents happen
probably no progressive controller then? you can arm at 2000 if the shot starts out small.
how much damage?

mainly blew apart the intake piping, burned maf, but also the load broke valve retainers so i had valves hanging open.
i never used a progressive controller and would spray from a dead stop everytime i raced with no issues.

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