Dedicated LVC Member
I was reading yesterday where someone else was having a Vacuum leak and AC was blowing thru his Def. Vent. I have a '98 Mark and went to see where mine black vent hose cover was and found it. It was hanging down in the drivers side intake manifold as far as the Vacuum hoses would reach. It ends with both Vacuum hoses going into an electrical Vacuum switch. Problem is there is no plug around where I found it that would plug into it? I am attaching some pics and maybe someone knows where this is suppose to go or can look at their 98 and tell me where it is suppose to plug in. There is a shorter one plugged in right in front to the right of the brake Master Cylinder and suppose to be held by the mounting plate on the the valve cover, but one of the nuts is missing? In the pics you can see where it says Laying down in here there is the hole in the manifold and it was laying right above that and that is as far as the hoses reach? Mine jumps to Def vent when I accelerate and then when I let off it drops back to the AC vents./B]