Vacuum Hose / AC Vent?

This is what you're looking for the orange and black wire. Over time, they get loose and will sometimes arc, and come on and off. Let me know if I have to make a road trip, because I will, for the right price. :D

Ok I still have this vacuum leak causing switch to defrost. I had bought this hand operated Vacuum pump, can anyone tell me where to put it in the vacuum lines to test and what should the reading be? Engine on or off. Remember I have air coming out unless I accelerate,also on Max the recirculate door is not closed because I'm getting other cars/diesel trucks exhaust smell in the car.
Actron Vacuum pump.jpg

Actron Vacuum pump.jpg
I just did a self diagnostic on my EATC And got 888 which means it is okay?
I still need to know if the vacuum hand pump is going to help me out finding the vacuum leak? I have never used one of these before?
I just actually saw the blend door item behind and to left of the glove box. I was able to move it's to heat and back to air so that is definitely going to be replaced. Took me a day and a half the last time I did one on my last 98. Tilt started working today. I try it every time I'm in the car,yesterday it moved an 1/8 of an inch. Today I got it to drop all the way down. I'm afraid to move it up that it might not go down again because it might not go down? Still have a vacuum leak,I don't see a yellow vacuum hose behind the glove box as GMAN said. So does anyone know if the EATC Pulls vacuum so I could put my vacuum pump on each of the hoses on the back of the EATC WHAT Measurement am I looking for or just no vacuum and that would be the hose that is leaking?
I tried this vacuum pump on all the EGR looking places under the hood. None pumped up?

Are you making a statement or asking a question?

In any event, I seem to be having the same issue myself. The air would only blow out of the defrost at random times until one day about a month ago that it's been blowing thru the defrost only ever since.

I've checked just about everything there is to check after rummaging through the various forums and still can't pinpoint the air leak.

I will say this.... I recently noticed that there is a black pipe inside the glove compartment in front of the blower motor that seems like it is missing the rest of it. I feel air rush out of that end so I cork/plug it with my thumb but to my dismay do not notice any difference in airflow.

If anyone knows, what is that pipe for?


it is hidden behind the black cross bar on the top of this next pic


One thing that makes me scratch the noggin is that string running across the top. What is the function of that string?
Do you know if you have the soft opener hooked up at the side of the glove box? That's what the string is. It should have a tab that slides into the hole on the right side of the glove box. It keeps the glove box from falling open with a thud.
I suspect the plastic tube feeds air out the side of the dash to do away with fog on the window. But maybe not? It looks like the tube maybe short a piece.
To answer your question,its a statement and a question. My next try is to pull the right front tire and the fender liner. See if I can find anything in the vacuum lines there.

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