

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 29, 2005
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Palmdale CA :(
About two weeks ago I noticed a small dent on top of my trunk, which I really didnt get mad at, I though it was just a pine cone that fell from the tree and hit my car, but last week when I washed my car I noticed that the dent was alittler bigger, and just know I was smoking my taillights when I noticed the dent was even bigger, so someone or something is hitting my car in the exact same spot!! now what are the odds of that??!? so im pretty sure some jealous bastard is hitting my car..and now it is like 10 times more noticeable than when I first discovered it.. I even had my mom look at the dent the second time and just know and even she agrees that its much bigger!!.. WTF?!?!!! im really pissed now, the dent is about the size of a silver dollar, anyone have any ideas on what to do? and how much would a "ding" the size of a silver dollar would cost to repair?
yah might be able to pop it oyuself if it does not have a crease. I would not expect more than a 100 dollars though if you take it to some folks that specialize in small dent repairs.
if you have a digital camera with some decent memory in it sit it in the back window and set it to record in movie mode maybe you'll catch the a holes.
eL eS said:
if you have a digital camera with some decent memory in it sit it in the back window and set it to record in movie mode maybe you'll catch the a holes.

Thats a great idea, Im going to try that, and hope to catch who ever is doing this... and the insurance company will give him hell, I have allstate and in Los Angeles, so they will definately investigate.
The dent I could probably just cover up with a nice spoiler, but does anybody know how much would they charge to color match it for my car?
lexdiamondz10304 said:
Thats a great idea, Im going to try that, and hope to catch who ever is doing this... and the insurance company will give him hell, I have allstate and in Los Angeles, so they will definately investigate.

I have a dsh mount for my camera and I use it when driving in traffic when i drive to and from work. I have a guy recorded now the committed an act of road rage and the FHP has it and are conducting an investigation. I hope they smack his wee wee.

The ahole tried to drive me off the road on an on ramp then had the gall to speed up and dive in front of my car with teh brakes on fulkl lock up, TWICE! Each time I did what I could to evade the ahole. I have no idea why he picked my car out of the crowd on the on ramp and after I tried to evade his agressive move to my lane I didn't even flip the iternational sign for :q off ahole.

Didn't even flipit to him when he flew by me on the I but I am sure the FHP will find out WTF was up with this nut. They got the full 60 minutes of my drive home with audio. Oh and our bumbers did meet on the 3rd attempt he made to wreck my car. Video is a great thing. This just happened this week so I will let you know how it turned out if you are interested.
lexdiamondz10304 said:
Thats a great idea, Im going to try that, and hope to catch who ever is doing this... and the insurance company will give him hell, I have allstate and in Los Angeles, so they will definately investigate.

Insurance company give him hell?? You catch him on tape and you let the cops give him hell. That'll put him in his place.

Then again, I bet it's someone you know!!.... :F
I had an ex girlfriend that cheated on me and she had the :q , round things common men have, to key my car after I told her to take a long walk on a short pier.
I had that happen to me on my old car. Woke up one morning and there was a dent the size of a basketball on my right quater-panel!, also I live in a REALLY quiet neighborhood where theres only elderly people. The only thing I could do is fix it out of my own pocket. $300......Then the next week I woke up one morning my drivers side window is shattered, my system is gone (2 alpine 12's (blown though :N ) an alpine HU a PS2 and a $500 amp. Never got any money from my ins. company. oh yeah I had a Viper alarm in their and for some reason it did not go off when normally you just breath on the glass and it will give you a warning chirp:Bang
stateproperty3423 said:
I had that happen to me on my old car. Woke up one morning and there was a dent the size of a basketball on my right quater-panel!, also I live in a REALLY quiet neighborhood where theres only elderly people. The only thing I could do is fix it out of my own pocket. $300......Then the next week I woke up one morning my drivers side window is shattered, my system is gone (2 alpine 12's (blown though :N ) an alpine HU a PS2 and a $500 amp. Never got any money from my ins. company. oh yeah I had a Viper alarm in their and for some reason it did not go off when normally you just breath on the glass and it will give you a warning chirp:Bang

yeah, securtiy systems are useless. well not completely. it comes in handy at the airport parking garage. It helps me find my car in the sea of vehicles.
warning long

I love it, on Sunday afternoon over at my inlaws someone tried to pry the chrome license plate surround off the trunk. They succeeded in breaking the one mounting point and now the lincoln badge gaps from the trunk like 1/4 inch. I know the car alarm was on when it happened since I had to rearm it after getting something from the trunk. When I saw the damage I asked oldest son, my nephew and niece if they had seen anyone messing with the car. They all said no.

Yesterday, while I was trying to make the online purchase to replace the panel, My youngest son asks me why I have to buy the part.
Then my 6 year old tells me that on Sunday his seven year old cousin was showing every one the ls after I rearmed the alarm. He was pointing to parts of the car with a plastic sand shovel. He also said when he was showing the other kids back around the trunk, the kids all started laughing, then a bunch of them all ran off. My son who had no interest in what his cousin was doing, came in and told my wife that "Justin is touching the car" and my wife did nothing.
My nephew has some issues with what I call 'Raccoon Hands" he just has to worry at things until they break and if he had anything in his hands things just get broken faster. He also will deny that he did anything to whatever item was broken.

Now I do not have proof that he tried to pry the trim off, but it would almost be enough for the police to make another parent pay for it. When I tried to get my wife to discuss this with her sister, she first acted like it was nothing big, said we should not stir things up right now, and wanted to know why was I mad at her. I pointed out that first off Chris tried to tell her what was going on and she took no action. Second I told her how much the part lists for and she is really pissed now.

But we both agree that the first thing that both my SIL and her husband will do is try to put it back on us that we are picking on their son, even though the has trashed the back of her minivan prior to this. Bringing this up will cause a lot of agina for my wife, her father and rest of the family. Particularly since I feel that they should pay for the part with money that they were going to use on things like some summer day trips for him and his sister.

Now I'm the bad guy because I don't want to drive either of the nice cars over to the inlaws (I only want to drive the 'rat' our tire out pathfinder).
Hated. Sounds like the kid has some discipline issues or do the in-laws punish him when he acts out like this. Either way if my kid was caught doing something like that I would make him own up to it and pay for the part. If anything the in-laws are the bad guys in this case not you.

I do not want to stir the pot so this is what you should do. Rather than buying a 20 dollar birthday gift subtract the 20 bucks and just give the little guy a card maybe by the time he reches 18 it will be paid for. :) nah that won't stir things would it :).

Oddly my wife has no problem letting our children open her car door onto my LS but lord help you if you touch her car. Seems theri is some dispairty in how we should react and they are entitled to react.
I used a dentless repair company last summer on my 67 Jaguar when I got it back from some minor work I noticed a small dent in the drivers door, well needless to say no one admitted to it. Well I had a huge concours show with in 4 days so I found a very good dent repair shop and they popped it out in 10 mins and charged me a whole $25 to do it. What a relief I must say. Here is my baby Galleries/CS/pages/IMG_3367.htm

Good luck!

Beautiful Car

OhioLS, That car is beautiful. That car , in that color, is the car that I have had nightmares about since the first one that I ever saw. I have a nightmare about finally getting one just like that, and then having some moron cause me to crash it. The most horrific accident that I ever saw was a car just like that one. Went airborne over 100 ft after hitting a culvert. The car disinegrated with the engine being found over 250 ft from the initial impact and over 100 feet from the car. Both people in the car however lived. Wish I could find the article and pictures. I arrived at the scene about 1 1/2 minutes after it happened. Did not expect to find two drunks laying in the grass laughing their asses off about how pissed their wives would be.
bufordtpisser said:
OhioLS, That car is beautiful. That car , in that color, is the car that I have had nightmares about since the first one that I ever saw. I have a nightmare about finally getting one just like that, and then having some moron cause me to crash it. The most horrific accident that I ever saw was a car just like that one. Went airborne over 100 ft after hitting a culvert. The car disinegrated with the engine being found over 250 ft from the initial impact and over 100 feet from the car. Both people in the car however lived. Wish I could find the article and pictures. I arrived at the scene about 1 1/2 minutes after it happened. Did not expect to find two drunks laying in the grass laughing their asses off about how pissed their wives would be.

Thanks bufordtpisser! I love that car, just as much as I do my girlfriend. HAHA Yeah I am sure a lot of these cars where destoryed this way in acidents. For the technology, HP, and light wieght made this real rocket ships for a car made in the 1960s. If you track the pics down I would like to see probably make me cry but I would be curious. Thanks again!

ohioLS said:
I used a dentless repair company last summer on my 67 Jaguar when I got it back from some minor work I noticed a small dent in the drivers door, well needless to say no one admitted to it. Well I had a huge concours show with in 4 days so I found a very good dent repair shop and they popped it out in 10 mins and charged me a whole $25 to do it. What a relief I must say. Here is my baby Galleries/CS/pages/IMG_3367.htm

Good luck!


WOW! That is smokin'!
dude, sorry about the car! i would definetly get a good camcorder if you don't have one. Set the thing up so that it gets good coverage of the area surrounding the back of the car, no obstructions and hidden from view. bushes work good if you have them. Let us know if you catch this person and we all will take turns beating him, or her. You never know!?!

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