vertical door conversion?


New LVC Member
Jan 4, 2005
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hey has anyone purchased the vdc kit, or lambo doors, for the ls? im looking to buy it soon and get it put on, but i wanna see at least ls with it on. all on the internet i can only find NAVI's with the conversion, no LS', and if anyone has a pic of one or has it on their car, please let me kno.
Is this the kit through A Plus Performance? First off I have to ask, why would you do that to such a car? I mean it would look like crap. The LS does not have the long door style that makes a lambo conversion kit look good. I am all about customizing your LS and look forward to doing a major averhaul on mine, but I don't know about the lambo kit.
the bolt-on kit is now available....


here's a pic:
I don't like it unless you cut off the rear door handles. Then maybe, also that car is so far off the ground. Maybe its the bigger wheels or maybe it needs a GFX kit. If they make them. . .
To be honest the Lambo doors just don't suit the LS. Also, I think I could find a better use for the $1,000 like performance or similar. Those look silly.
i think the observation sifrino3 made about the height of the car is a good one. the lambo doors look great on lowered vehicles. I would like to see it with smaller wheels and about an 1inch closer to the ground.
The only door mod I would consider would be to suicide the rear doors. HAven't seen a pic, but I think it would look pretty cool.
In my opinion its pointless to have suicide doors and then have more doors behind it. The reason it works on some cars is that there are 2 doored and the doors are a little bit longer. They are just short, stocky doors. Granted its going to be a rare thing to find these on an LS, but so what if it doesn't look good.
I agree with surfjaxls.I've always thought that suiciding the rear doors is the coolest look when it comes to doors.Especially if you can get rid of the pilliar.
Maybe it's because I'm 6'7", but the Lambo kit makes it look like it would be a real pain to get in and out of the car.
WTF is it with the rice comments.......can't we just grow up and grow out of it. I am not saying it does not look 'ricey', but for khrists sakes.....enuf already....give it a freakin rest!!!
Wonder how it would look on the Mark ????? I tell u one thing, easy entry/exit with the wheelchair.... tax write off anyone?
JohnnyBz00LS said:
:ricesmile Egads! While I think that LS looks bizzare, the piles of cotton balls stuffed into that Honda's wheels and grill next to it is even more rediculous!

Actually I think those are bubbles coming out of the washing machine motor that runs it.
lsbit said:
Actually I think those are bubbles coming out of the washing machine motor that runs it.

I thought is was fire-surpression foam!!

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