Very bad news


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 21, 2004
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Nyssa got in an accident with her Town car she hit a minivan, her whole quarter panel on the driver side needs to be replaced, along with the light housing, panel for headlight and of course the lightbulb, I need to know if there are any good body shops in the chicago area, that are good and more importantly cheap!! :feedback Need to know as soon as possible. thanks :mad: :frown:
Is she ok?????????????

Check with Stra Dog - his uncle owns a body shop I think.
I was just about to add that in the post below Nyssa types:

Nyssa: i am very well. apart from my accident i had a wonderful day.
Conti94 said:
her whole quarter panel on the driver side needs to be replaced, along with the light housing, panel for headlight and of course the lightbulb
sounds like its time to visit the junkyard
ok, so is this simple parts changing needed?? or is there structure damaged too?
It looks like simple parts it's not really bad it is just the left front quarter panel, we are bringing it to a body shop to get an estimate tomorrow and find out what will be needed to rapair it. :rolleyes:
you probably will be better off finding the parts used yourself on ebay or in junkyards -
you mean...

you need a "fender" and a "header panel". I would look for after market parts and find a guy to do it on the side. if you get NOS (new old stock) parts you're goin to pay an arm and a leg.
Thanks Eric, that's all I needed to know, "what parts are needed" The insurance company has been called and a report has been done, now it's just waiting to see if they will cover the damages. :rolleyes: Man insurance companies, they cooperate then later all they do is argue with ya! argue2
did someone hit her? If so - then her insurance company should covoer the damages up to a point where they total the car -- if they want to total it, dont let them -- but tell them you'll settle for that as a cash amount
What happened was she hit the van, but the minivan came off a onramp and did not signal when changing lanes it caught Nyssa by surprise and she could not stop fast enough and she hit the van. I think it would be the vans fault since he failed to signal and to accelerate when merging onto the highway, I hope the insurance company agrees argue2 The cost point is probably what she'll end up with won't know until about 5pm today. would you have known if he had signaled or not? you seem to know more about this accident than i do! lol

the insurance guy came over to take pictures. he said my car was valued at $2500.....which is just awesome cause i paid about a thousand less :biggrin:
but he's going to call me back with an estimate tomorrow..... he said that the insurance co. probably won't total it. they better not. :bash:
Sorry Nyssa, I thought you said he did'nt signal, I must have heard wrong :rolleyes: :slam As you can all see I am *owned* .

the insurance guy said my car was a total loss..... :soapbox:
if i let them take my car i'll get $1,800 and they'll pay the taxes....or if i decide to keep it they'll pay me $1455.... i want to keep the car and my mom agree's that its pointless to get a different car which may become wrecked over the winter. she also says my car is still drivable so theres no reason to get rid of it. if i do get a new car it'll probably be this seville that's sitting at the place i bought my car, its the same color scheme as my current car.....

i just don't know anymore..... i think i'm going to keep it. mayeb i should see what my dad has to say.... hmmmmmm :frown:

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