Vinyl RoofTop

Dear god man! For the sake of all that is humanity Don't do it. Buy an old Pacer or mid 80's caddy and vinyl it up. Not the LS.... :soapbox:

Of course this is just my humble opinion. You should do whatever you want to your car and welcome to LVC! :W :slam

It's your car; if you like it, do it, and don't let anyone give you any grief about it. I'm certain that most (if not all of us) don't like it, and we wouldn't even consider it for our cars, but your car isn't ours.

That being said, as has been pointed out, you'll probably destroy the resale value of the car if you do Landau it. There have been some cars that looked decent with Landau tops, but the LS, IMHO, isn't one of them.

To quote Jim Croce, "If you dig it, do it. If you really dig it, do it twice."
yea then dig a big hole and toss the vinyl or rag or whatever idea in it. sorry this is one mod that is just plain butt cheeks.
Angry_Inch said:
Please no!!

I agree.. NONONO!

However, it's your car.

But don't get mad when people laugh. But just so you know, I won't laugh.

I'll just toss cookies.



And let me add that you can kiss your resale value goodby. It amazes me when people get so into "personalizing" their cars, then can't understand why they can't sell them. It's a free country, do what you want w/ your ride. But don't come crying when you can't sell it.

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